Ac-15 Gungeon (2025)

1. AC-15 - Official Enter the Gungeon Wiki - Fandom

  • AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. If the player has no armor, it fires low-damage purple bullets with a high rate of fire.

  • AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. If the player has no armor, it fires low-damage purple bullets with a high rate of fire. If the player is armored, it fires fast, piercing, high-damage blue bullets with a slower rate of fire and strong knockback. Armored Corps - If the player also has Void Core Assault Rifle, both guns gain increased fire rate and shot speed. Steel Skin - If the player also has Nanomachines, it will remain in its powered-up form without having a

AC-15 - Official Enter the Gungeon Wiki - Fandom

2. КБ-15 | Enter the Gungeon вики | Fandom

  • КБ-15 (англ. AC-15) — оружие в Enter the Gungeon. Было добавлено в обновлении Advanced Gungeons & Draguns. КБ-15 имеет 2 вида: Обычный вид оружия, ...

  • КБ-15 (англ. AC-15) — оружие в Enter the Gungeon. Было добавлено в обновлении Advanced Gungeons & Draguns. КБ-15 имеет 2 вида: Обычный вид оружия, высокая скорострельность, малый урон. Если оружелец имеет при себе доспехи. Скорострельность ниже, магазин и урон больше. Является неплохим вариантом для зачистки комнат, однако является практически бесполезным оружием на уровне Патронный Ад. Крайне полезная вещь при игре за Робота. Стальная кожа. Если у оружельца есть Наномашины, то КБ-15 всегда буде

КБ-15 | Enter the Gungeon вики | Fandom

3. AC-15 - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*

AC-15 - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*

4. Gungeon God - Enter the Gungeon Cheat Sheet

  • 11 okt 2019 · AC-15. "Armor Class Non-Zero". ItemID: 545. An automatic gun that becomes more powerful when you have armor; The power increase can also be ...

  • Enter the Gungeon cheat sheet wiki - A quick reference guide for checking descriptions about every single gun and item in the game

Gungeon God - Enter the Gungeon Cheat Sheet

5. List of Item and Gun IDs | EtG Modding Guide - GitBook

  • 6 mrt 2021 · ... 15 ak47 16 yari_launcher 17 heck_blaster 18 blooper 19 ... ac15 546 windgunner 550 knights_gun 551 crown_of_guns 558 bottle ...

List of Item and Gun IDs | EtG Modding Guide - GitBook

6. Beacons' Gungeon - the gundead - Bullet Kin Section - Wattpad

  • A sturdy bullet kin with a blast helmet and a ak47. +. Minelet- 15hp. A bullet kin that hides in the ground releasing a ring of bullets when it pops ...

  • Read the gundead - Bullet Kin Section from the story Beacons' Gungeon by ZergPsychotic ( ) with 257 reads. rwby, enterthegungeon. So I'm just going to guess th...

7. Enter The Gungeon's Big New Update Completely Revitalises The Game

  • 21 jul 2018 · ... Gungeon's Big New Update Completely Revitalises The Game ... For example: The old Void Core Assault Rifle, when paired with the new AC-15 ...

  • Yesterday, Enter the Gungeon finally received its long-awaited Advanced Gungeons & Draguns update, a free second major expansion that completely revitalises the 2016 game. It feels like Dodge Rolls’ roguelike shoot’em up came out forever ago, but playing it again this week it feels completely new again. Advanced Gungeons & Draguns adds a lot, so […]

Enter The Gungeon's Big New Update Completely Revitalises The Game

8. ボイドコア・ライフル - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*

  • 17 dec 2023 · ボイドコアの首領として名をはせたサンダーボルトは、組織の解体後、ガンジョンにやってきた。 シナジー. アーマード(英名:Armored Corps). 対象:AC-15 ...

  • 英名:Void Core Assault Rifle

ボイドコア・ライフル - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*

9. AC-15-G paint spray-gun - Euromair

  • Paint spray-gun for all products. Technical characteristics. Upper bowl spray-gun. 0,75 L. Precision parts. brass.

  • AC-15-G paint spray-gun

Ac-15 Gungeon (2025)


How do I get better items in Gungeon? ›

Items can be found by opening chests, defeating bosses, purchasing them from shops, or receiving them from NPCs. These items can be passive upgrades, active abilities, or single-use consumables. Most active items recharge as damage is dealt, while others recharge on a timer.

Is Enter the Gungeon easy? ›

Like many great roguelikes, Enter the Gungeon is an incredibly deep and complicated game. In fact, it contains a massive list of mechanics and items that both novices and veterans will find hard to understand on their first try. It's fun, but its complexity makes it undoubtedly difficult.

What is the rarest item in Enter the Gungeon? ›

class items and guns are the rarest, and can be found in black chests and rainbow chests.

What is the easiest character to beat Enter the Gungeon? ›

Marine is the most straightforward as mentioned above. He's got the best starting weapon and starts with free armor. His innate accuracy and reload boost also helps. Pilot has a crap basic weapon, but lockpicks can make or break some runs.

How long does it take to 100% Enter the Gungeon? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Enter the Gungeon is about 22½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 158 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Why is Enter the Gungeon so difficult? ›

The difficulty is bullet patterns. You have to memorize how each enemy shoots its bullets. Once you know what to expect it's easier to dodge roll. But RNG Kan kill a run.

Who is the best starter in Gungeon? ›

6 The Marine - Best Starting Character

The Marine is the best character for newcomers to Enter the Gungeon. His One Armor gives you a bit more breathing room in the early game, allowing you to take an extra hit of damage before your hearts get affected.

How do I get more Junk in Gungeon? ›

Junk is a passive item. It often appears after destroying chests.

How do I get more casings in Gungeon? ›

Shells (also referred to as casings or coins) are the game's main form of currency, and are often dropped by enemies upon their death. They stay on the ground until retrieved or until combat finishes, at which point they will slide across the floor to the player.

How to upgrade weapons in Enter the Gungeon? ›

Killing enough enemies causes the gun to level up, increasing its damage.

How to get loot bag in Gungeon? ›

It can be acquired in 2 ways:
  1. Stealing it from the shop.
  2. Causing the shopkeeper to close his shop by either: Firing a gun in the shop a few times. Failing to steal an item. Luring the Lord of the Jammed into the shop.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.