1. AC-15 - Official Enter the Gungeon Wiki - Fandom
AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. If the player has no armor, it fires low-damage purple bullets with a high rate of fire.
AC-15 is a gun that becomes more powerful if the player has armor. If the player has no armor, it fires low-damage purple bullets with a high rate of fire. If the player is armored, it fires fast, piercing, high-damage blue bullets with a slower rate of fire and strong knockback. Armored Corps - If the player also has Void Core Assault Rifle, both guns gain increased fire rate and shot speed. Steel Skin - If the player also has Nanomachines, it will remain in its powered-up form without having a
2. КБ-15 | Enter the Gungeon вики | Fandom
КБ-15 (англ. AC-15) — оружие в Enter the Gungeon. Было добавлено в обновлении Advanced Gungeons & Draguns. КБ-15 имеет 2 вида: Обычный вид оружия, ...
КБ-15 (англ. AC-15) — оружие в Enter the Gungeon. Было добавлено в обновлении Advanced Gungeons & Draguns. КБ-15 имеет 2 вида: Обычный вид оружия, высокая скорострельность, малый урон. Если оружелец имеет при себе доспехи. Скорострельность ниже, магазин и урон больше. Является неплохим вариантом для зачистки комнат, однако является практически бесполезным оружием на уровне Патронный Ад. Крайне полезная вещь при игре за Робота. Стальная кожа. Если у оружельца есть Наномашины, то КБ-15 всегда буде
3. AC-15 - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*
17 dec 2023 · 減算式のアーマークラスは小さい程防御能力が高いことを表す古い形式のもので、かつて減算式を採用していたウィザードリィの説明書には『AC10≒裸、AC-( ...
4. Gungeon God - Enter the Gungeon Cheat Sheet
11 okt 2019 · AC-15. "Armor Class Non-Zero". ItemID: 545. An automatic gun that becomes more powerful when you have armor; The power increase can also be ...
Enter the Gungeon cheat sheet wiki - A quick reference guide for checking descriptions about every single gun and item in the game
5. List of Item and Gun IDs | EtG Modding Guide - GitBook
6 mrt 2021 · ... 15 ak47 16 yari_launcher 17 heck_blaster 18 blooper 19 ... ac15 546 windgunner 550 knights_gun 551 crown_of_guns 558 bottle ...
See AlsoZipformsonline Plus Login
6. Beacons' Gungeon - the gundead - Bullet Kin Section - Wattpad
A sturdy bullet kin with a blast helmet and a ak47. +. Minelet- 15hp. A bullet kin that hides in the ground releasing a ring of bullets when it pops ...
Read the gundead - Bullet Kin Section from the story Beacons' Gungeon by ZergPsychotic ( ) with 257 reads. rwby, enterthegungeon. So I'm just going to guess th...
7. Enter The Gungeon's Big New Update Completely Revitalises The Game
21 jul 2018 · ... Gungeon's Big New Update Completely Revitalises The Game ... For example: The old Void Core Assault Rifle, when paired with the new AC-15 ...
Yesterday, Enter the Gungeon finally received its long-awaited Advanced Gungeons & Draguns update, a free second major expansion that completely revitalises the 2016 game. It feels like Dodge Rolls’ roguelike shoot’em up came out forever ago, but playing it again this week it feels completely new again. Advanced Gungeons & Draguns adds a lot, so […]
8. ボイドコア・ライフル - Enter the Gungeon 日本語版Wiki Wiki*
17 dec 2023 · ボイドコアの首領として名をはせたサンダーボルトは、組織の解体後、ガンジョンにやってきた。 シナジー. アーマード(英名:Armored Corps). 対象:AC-15 ...
英名:Void Core Assault Rifle
9. AC-15-G paint spray-gun - Euromair
Paint spray-gun for all products. Technical characteristics. Upper bowl spray-gun. 0,75 L. Precision parts. brass.
AC-15-G paint spray-gun