Agnes (35) is looking for help with cleaning up (2024)

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VijfheerenlandenPlaymate wanted for Michael (9)HandjehelpenMichael (9) is in special education and is having a great time there. He likes music, football and outdoor games and also often goes to the woods with his mother and the dog. He only misses friends in the neighborhood and he regrets that. His mother gives him his own buddy. What family with kids Michael's age, if not a little younger or older, would allow him a place to hang out every now and then? Or which little boy would like to come and play with Michael?Regularly
VijfheerenlandenSupport family for a child with a disabilityHandjehelpenMany children with disabilities, or children from a family where someone has a disability, would love to be able to play or stay with a host family every now and then. Just in a nice place where it is cozy and where they can participate and also where they receive a little special attention.And for their parents it means some extra time for themselves or for the other children in the family. Sometimes that can be just the support to be able to fully cope with it on other days.Do you, or does your family, have space in your home and heart to accommodate a child? You don't have to undertake any very special activities. Often just participating in your family is special enough.As a host or guest family you can be of great importance to a child. And it is a special way as a family to be able to do something for someone else. Of course you take the corona guidelines into account.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenGoing out for a weekend with Heleen (64)HandjehelpenDo you go out with Heleen (64) for part of a day during the weekend?Heleen is a positive and intelligent woman, she sees for herself what is still possible and that is also a lot. And that while she has only been going through life for 2 years with various physical limitations. The consequences: don't walk for too long, don't e-bike for too long, distribute energy and take time to rest. So far she has arranged her life well. Unfortunately, that is different on weekends. There are few distractions during the weekend and that is exactly what Heleen would like, for example with someone. Who knows, there are other singles who are looking for a fun activity for a part of the day at the weekend. Then please offer and go do something fun with Heleen. Of course, get acquainted first, because a click together is important.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenAre you going for a walk with sick Leendert (54)?HandjehelpenLeendert is single, he is a simple and sociable man. He is being treated for a very serious condition, which has kept him at home. Because he was always working, unfortunately there is no network, with time during the day for a chat with a cup of tea or a walk. It is important for Leendert to be able to take a short walk with someone in the afternoon and have a quick chat. Would this suit you and do you also have some life experience that you can use, please register for Leendert?Regularly
VijfheerenlandenVisually impaired Amir (27) is looking for cooking lessons at homeHandjehelpenWill you help Amir (27) get groceries and then cook together? Amir is a diabetic, which caused him to lose his sight in a relatively short time. Unfortunately, he only sees about 7% of his vision. To him it looks like there is a constant fog. He has taken a course to deal with his visual impairment. He would now be helped a lot by having a volunteer in the afternoon. Someone who teaches him to cook or perhaps later assists with cooking and freezing. If you have any knowledge of Moroccan cuisine that would be great, but it is not necessary, because the point is to learn the basics. Would you like to do this? Good to know, in a likely period of approx. He will move to a more practically furnished home elsewhere in 8 months.RegularlyYoung people
VijfheerenlandenWill you place a card with Maaike? (75)HandjehelpenMaaike (75) has been quite lonely and worried since the death of her husband. Due to this grief, she is unable to get her life on track without help. She has no children and her network is limited to the neighborhood. Due to her lung condition she does not have much energy. Could you make a card with her, because she loves that. In addition, Maaike can also talk things out and perhaps get some advice.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenWill you meet Huang (54) at the Prenter?HandjehelpenWould you like to meet up with Huang (54) every now and then to have something to eat together at the Prenter? Or take a walk together when the weather is good or go window shopping?Huang has lived in the Netherlands for a long time. Huang has a susceptibility to depression. The Dutch language is sometimes something of a mystery to her. Yet this single and highly educated woman manages to get by with some guidance. Meeting at home is not possible and it is fine to meet somewhere else. Every 14 days or every three weeks would be perfect for HuangRegularly
VijfheerenlandenDo you go out with Heleen (65) at the weekend?HandjehelpenHeleen looks at life in terms of what is possible and that is still a lot. She has been living with various physical limitations for only 3 years now. The consequences for her life currently mean not walking too long, not cycling too long, dividing her energy each day and taking time to rest. So far she has lived her life well. Unfortunately, that is less on weekends. She does few activities outside the home on weekends. That's precisely when Heleen would like to go out with someone. And there are probably many more single people who are looking for something fun to do during the weekend. Do you also like this? Then go and meet Heleen to see if you have a connection. Who knows, you might end up doing something fun together soon!Regularly
VijfheerenlandenDo you accompany Sanne (30) outside?HandjehelpenSanne has a physical disability and that is why she cannot do without her electric wheelchair. That's been since she was born. Sanne has an energetic personality and likes to go outside and experience normal life, such as going to the store or going on an outing. Because both her eyes and hearing do not work optimally, she is looking for someone who can guide her outside. She is a pleasant young woman with many very normal and nice wishes. Are you able to set aside part of the day on Saturday once or twice a month, or once every 3 weeks, to do something fun with Sanne?Regularly
VijfheerenlandenFun Kees (59) wants to play chess and supportHandjehelpenKees, 59 years old, is a nice man with a lived life behind him. He starts to have a problem with his memory for which he receives counseling. Despite all this, he is a spontaneous, sociable man who is interested in everything. He still enjoys playing chess and is currently missing a chess buddy. He is also satisfied when someone drinks a cup of coffee with him, has a chat and perhaps even accompanies him to an appointment such as the doctor or the pedicure. Are you that social factor for Kees? Do it for him and let your social side shine.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenGoing to the cinema or cooking together with Ronald (33)HandjehelpenRonald (33) recently started living on his own. He works all week, but outside of work he has no contact with peers. Due to his mild intellectual disability, he finds it difficult to join in. Would you like to do something with him once a month on the weekend? A visit to the cinema, cooking together or going out? Ronald lives in Meerkerk.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenSwimming on Monday with Hans (61)HandjehelpenHans is a gentle man and he has arranged his life fairly well, sometimes with a little help. And that's quite a challenge these days, especially if, like him, you can't read well. Hans has a mild intellectual disability, but he is certainly good at communicating and he also likes to have fun. Hans would really like to go swimming in the Helsdingen swimming pool on Monday, because he works all other days.Do you also enjoy swimming and would you like to do it together with Hans and can you encourage him to persevere if necessary? Then the knife cuts both ways! Hans is willing to pay for your ticket or part of itRegularly
NieuwegeinDo you play outside with cheerful Solomon (11 years)HandjehelpenAre you going outside with cheerful Solomon (11 years old)?Solomon is a boy with a lot of cheerfulness around him. For example, he knows the song Europapa by heart, including the dance. He likes role-playing and music. His laughter often resonates throughout the house. At the same time, he overshadows his little brothers by demanding a lot of attention from his parents or visitors. Because of his form of autism, he needs clarity, which helps him to comply with the rules. Solomon loves affirmative attention, likes to play in the playground and also wants to learn something from you. Or whatever, help him during his swimming lesson on Thursday at 5 p.m.? In any case, whatever you do, have fun with Solomon!Regularly
VijfheerenlandenAmira (52) wants to start overHandjehelpenAmira (52) wants to start over after a lot of misery and after a long time she has found positive goals in her life. The past few years have not been very good for Amira, with benefits affairs, divorce, grief, illness and children bearing the brunt. Now that things are improving, she wants to finally end a difficult period. That is why she would like to investigate whether she can start her own business (again). Do you have any knowledge of running your own catering business (lunch) and also how to start one? Please let us know and visit expectant Amira, so that she can give her life a positive twist in something that has always been her heart.Regularly
VijfheerenlandenAre you going to the petting zoo with Niels?HandjehelpenNiels (11) is a sweet, affectionate boy who loves all animals. Also everything that drives; trains and cars interest him. Niels was born with a chromosome abnormality, which in his case means that he cannot see as we see. He has developmental delays and features of autism such as an increased fascination with certain subjects. He can marvel at beetles, spiders or a ladybug. He enjoys being outside, but would love to do this with someone every now and then. He misses someone to walk the dog with, cycle on his tandem bicycle, or travel by train. Do you also like the petting zoo? Then that would be absolutely great. Not only for Niels, but also for the rest of the family, because you can take some of the load off this way. Niels lives in Hoef en Haag.Regularly
WoerdenBecome a buddy of someone with a disabilityHandjehelpenAs a volunteer at Handjehelp you help children and adults with disabilities at home. Do you go for coffee with someone who is lonely, do you teach a child with a disability to make friends in the neighborhood or go for a walk, cycle or exercise with someone who needs support because of his or her disability?From 'simple' volunteer work to help requiring specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person requesting help, who you visit in his or her house. Our volunteer work focuses on social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.If you have no experience with people with disabilities, that's no problem. We look for a question that suits you. In addition to individual guidance, there is an extensive range of training and guidance to follow. And a non-binding conversation with a Handjehelp coordinator is always possible. We hope to hear from you.RegularlyYoung people
WoerdenPlay a game of chess or walk with Herman (55)HandjehelpenHerman (55) enjoys walking together. He also likes to play chess. Unfortunately, the gentleman is lonely and has had a burnout. He also has ASD, which makes him easily overstimulated. Are you a quiet person and would you like to play chess or go outside with Mr. Then register now.Regularly
WoerdenLooking for a walking buddy for Arnoud (40)HandjehelpenArnoud (40) is looking for you to go for a nice walk once a month and do fun things together. He has ASD, which makes him overstimulated more quickly. Would you like to go outside with Arnoud? Then register now.Regularly
WoerdenMrs van Ooij (85) is looking for a games enthusiastHandjehelpenMrs van Ooij (85) seems to enjoy playing games with you. She also enjoys going outside. Do you feel encouraged to do these things with Mrs. Ooij? Then register now.Regularly
WoerdenAre you going outside with Mrs Slachter (90)?HandjehelpenMrs. Slachter (90) is looking for you to go outside with her. She would also like it if you supported her in the household, for example by cleaning out a cupboard every now and then. Is this something for you? Then register now.Regularly
WoerdenLooking for a playmate for Karel (8)HandjehelpenKarel (8) has ASD and difficulty speaking. His parents are looking for a buddy for him to play with and do things with him. Do you feel attracted to do fun things with Karel? Karel is looking forward to it!Regularly
WoerdenDo you give Mrs Teunissen time for herself?HandjehelpenMr Teunissen (85) is cared for by his wife. This means his wife has little time for herself. That's why they are looking for you. When you do something fun with the gentleman, the lady has some time for herself. Do you feel called upon to support them? Then we'd love to hear from you!Regularly
WoerdenMrs. Toren (65) is looking for a walking buddyHandjehelpenMrs. Toren (65) is looking for you to go for a nice walk outside and have a chat. Unfortunately, the lady is not very mobile, which makes this difficult for her. But with your help she will succeed! Will you make some time for Mrs. Toren?Regularly
WoerdenAre you going outside with Katrina (60)?HandjehelpenKarina (60) really enjoys going outside. She is lonely right now. She would really enjoy going outside with you once every two weeks. Do you feel encouraged to go outside with Karina? Then register now.Regularly
WoerdenAre you going out with Mr. Verheugt (65)?HandjehelpenMr. Verheugt (65) has a small network and feels lonely. That's why he's looking for a buddy to go out with. He also enjoys cycling and walking. The gentleman is looking for someone who can help him clean up his laptop. Will you give him a helping hand with this and go out for a nice time? Mr. Verheugt is looking forward to it!Regularly
VijfheerenlandenWill you give Mrs Roodhof (77) a helping hand?HandjehelpenMrs. Roodhof (77) would like a buddy. She has had several cerebral infarctions, which she did not notice at the time. In the meantime, she was busy as an informal caregiver for her partner with dementia. Only after his death did Mrs. have to deal with dropouts. Initially, she suddenly no longer knew how to use her laptop and, due to reduced motor skills, she can no longer paint which she loved so much. Her energy has decreased, but her willpower has not. On the outside, no one notices anything about her and that is sometimes very difficult. Mrs. Roodhof would like to continue training her brain. She is looking for someone who can help her put certain games and apps on her laptop or tablet, so that she can continue to practice actively. A bit of fun every now and then would also be very nice, because her life has changed enormously.RegularlyYoung people
De Ronde VenenAre you going fishing with Eddie (12)?HandjehelpenEddie (12) is a tough boy who loves to fish. He has not lived in the area that long and would like to get to know other young people with whom he can occasionally fish. Now he often travels back to his old hometown, but he would love to be able to cast a fishing rod with someone close to home. Are you or do you know someone who loves fishing and would like to do this with Eddie?! We would like to hear from you.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
De Ronde VenenFootball or do you play with Achmed (6)?HandjehelpenAchmed (6) is a sweet boy with multiple disabilities. He lives with his mother who takes care of him with a lot of love. Because of this, mother has very little time for herself and that is why it would be so nice if someone came by to spend time with her son. She also gives him a lot of contact with other people in the area. Experience with children with a disability / medical knowledge is a plus. It is also important that someone is a little firm in his shoes and is not easily shocked, because Achmed can sometimes get angry a bit earlier due to overstimulation. He loves chatting, walking outside, playing football, swimming, games and crafts. They prefer flexible appointments, since they also regularly have to go to the hospital unexpectedly. Mother and son spend a lot of time at home together. Do you want to do fun things with Achmed? We can't wait to hear from you.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
MontfoortDo you make cultural outings with Mrs Geeltjes?HandjehelpenMrs. Geeltjes (72) is a pleasant, active and social lady. Unfortunately, she is visually impaired, which makes going out independently more and more of a challenge, especially now that she can no longer drive a car. The lady would like to go on nice trips with someone. She is especially fond of culture: (classical) music, museums, theatre, art, city visits, etc. She also likes it when you drop by every now and then for a chat and a cup of coffee. Do you own a car and do you also want to do fun things? Mrs. Geeltjes can't wait to go out with you!At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
MontfoortWill you bring Wanja (55) some company?HandjehelpenWanja (55) is a nice, single lady. She can live independently with some guidance and that is very nice. During the week she is busy with work, but in the evenings and weekends it can be quiet. Wanja is therefore looking for some company from a friendly lady. She would like to go to the market together, chat, walk, cycle, play games, do the shopping, cook and perhaps also eat together. Will you bring Vanja some company? We would like to get in touch with you.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
MontfoortAre you going out with Astrid (62)?HandjehelpenIf you are single, the days can be very quiet and boring. Astrid (62) also suffers from this. She has an intellectual disability and therefore does not go out alone so easily. Still, she would very much like to have a little more entitlement. Go to the shops, play a game or just have a cup of coffee. Do you have the time and desire to meet up with Astrid? She would love to meet you!At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
MontfoortAre you going out with Dennis (20)?HandjehelpenDennis (20) is a nice young man who likes a chat and fun. He would like to do fun things together with peers from the neighborhood, but because his memory sometimes lets him down a bit and he has autism, that is sometimes a bit more difficult.Going out together, having a drink, playing pool, going to the cinema, cycling or gaming. They are all things Dennis would like to do with someone else. So are you or do you know someone from the area who would like to hang out with the fun Dennis every now and then?! Then we would like to get in touch with you!At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
OudewaterDo you play Rummikub with Kira (44)?HandjehelpenKira (44) is a woman with an intellectual disability and still lives with her parents. She is looking for someone who wants to spend a pleasant afternoon or evening with her now and then, so that her parents can go out for a while. This is an incidental part of the day in consultation, at your home or at her. In addition, it would be very nice if someone could catch Kira for a weekend once in a while.Kira loves being creative, playing Rummikub or going outside. Do you spend a nice time with Kira?! Then her parents can also take some time for themselves with peace of mind.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
De BiltBuddy wanted for music lover DonaldHandjehelpenDonald (50) from Hollandsche Rading has a psychological vulnerability and can sometimes look a little too deep into the glass when he suffers from feelings of panic. He was a successful producer and still enjoys working on his music (producing and playing guitar). He also likes to paint and likes to do odd jobs in his home.Are you loyal, do you like a joke and do you also share the passion for music and technology? Then Donald would like to meet you!At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
De BiltNice support family wanted for Siem (15)HandjehelpenSiem's parents are looking for a couple or family who have the space to offer their son a nice place to stay once a month or every other month. Siem is 15 years old, lives in Groenekan with his parents and younger brother and sister. He talks with gestures, sounds and words that are sometimes reasonable but sometimes unintelligible. He uses an app on his iPad with which he can make himself clear. Siem likes swimming (especially the slides), churches (visiting and if he can listen or play the organ he is very happy) and playgrounds.Siem has a great need for structure and clarity. He is moderately to severely mentally disabled and has autism. He has high muscle tone in his body but can walk independently and also loves to move. Siem likes to stay; he has been staying with a family on a monthly basis for the past two years. This family is now starting its own family home for foster children, which unfortunately means an end to this nice place for him.It means a lot to the parents and to Siem's brother and sister to be able to hand over the care once in a while. It helps them to keep up with the daily caregiving.If you are interested or have questions, please get in touch. Do you know someone who might like this? Then we appreciate it if you share this call.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
De BiltWill you help Merel (42) and her children?HandjehelpenMerel (42) lives with her partner and three children (5.5, 2.5 and 1.5 years) in Bilthoven. She has autism and has been through a lot in her life. She also has less energy due to asthma and an intestinal disorder.In addition to these challenges, Merel has a nice job and she enjoys her family. It is very difficult for her to take some time for herself. As a result, she is not able to continue her recovery properly. She would be very helped by a volunteer who could play with her youngest 2 children for 2 hours on Tuesday morning.In addition, Merel would be very helped by a (different) volunteer who would support her for 2 hours on Friday morning with the middle child, so that she can go swimming with the youngest.At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, who you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period. We help, support and guide you where necessary.Regularly
De BiltDo you play football with Eduard (10) every week?HandjehelpenEduard is 10 years old and lives in three different places: with his uncle and aunt, in Houten and with his mother. His mother is single and has an intellectual disability. She also raises Eduard's 8-year-old brother.Eduard likes to be outside and loves football. He also belongs to a football club, where he trains regularly and plays matches on the weekends. He also enjoys rollerblading and playing games on the PlayStation. Eduard has ADHD and is in special education with 4 to 5 children in the class. He is on medication for his ADHD. He exhibits busy behavior, can use ugly words and has trouble getting used to new faces.It would make Eduard (and his mother) very happy if someone would come by for a few hours every week and give him attention. Someone who plays outside and football with him and who can offer him some space as well as clear boundaries at the same time. He may be testing and trying out a new person. It is therefore important that you are firmly in your shoes.Are you a man (or woman) between 25 and 50 years old or an older man and a sturdy type who has something to offer and knows how to get things done? And would you like to do something fun with Eduard every week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday afternoon? Then contact us!At Handjehelpen you can choose from different types of volunteer work. From 'simple' volunteer work to help that requires specific knowledge or experience. The help is given one on one. This means that you have your 'own' person seeking help, whom you visit in his or her home. Our volunteer work is aimed at social contact for a longer period of time. Where necessary, we help, support and guide you.Regularly
Utrechtse HeuvelrugAre you going to have an ice cream with Astrid (67)?HandjehelpenAstrid (67) is a cheerful and talkative lady who has been through a lot in her life. Even though people have not always treated her well, it is striking how positive and resilient she still is in life. This applies not only in social contact, but also on a physical level. Some time ago she broke her hip, something that forced her to move. She is currently looking for her place in her new living location, but she misses contact with others. The lady moves around in a mobility scooter and would like to go out with someone. If this appeals to you and you also like ice cream, respond to this call! Preference Mon/Tues/Thurs/ or Friday afternoon.Regularly
Agnes (35) is looking for help with cleaning up (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.