History for Pantheon/OrderAndChaos - TV Tropes (2024)

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Changed line(s) 100,149 (click to see context) from:

[[folder:Don Thousand]]
'''[[Anime/YuGiOhZEXAL Don Thousand]], God of [[ChaosIsEvil Evil Chaos]]''' (The Evil God, [[FanNickname Don 1000, Donny, Don K, DT, Perfect Thousand]])
[[caption-width-right:350:[[labelnote:Don Thousand's True Form]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/don_thousand_true_form.jpg[[/labelnote]]]]
* Overdeity (Greater God in his sealed form)
* Symbol: The Barian Emblem
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: [[AnthropomorphicPersonification Literal]] [[GodOfEvil God Of]] [[ChaosIsEvil Evil]] [[OrderVersusChaos Chaos]], [[EvilCounterpart Evil(er) Counterpart]], LargeAndInCharge, [[TheCorrupter Corruption of others]] [[ThePowerOfHate through hatred]] [[LaserGuidedAmnesia and amnesia]], EvilMentor, HeWhoMustNotBeSeen (until the climax, that is), GreaterScopeVillain, [[StoryBreakerPower Typical Yu-Gi-Oh! final boss power]], ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill, YinYangBomb, MagicPokerEquation
* Domains: Chaos, Evil, Space, Corruption, Power, Darkness, Light
* Followers: [[ComicBook/DoctorStrange Cthon]], [[Series/GetSmart KAOS]], [[VideoGame/AdventureQuestWorlds Drakath]]
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance Number 96: Black Mist]]''', The Trollkaiger (Especially [[Pantheon/WritingTechniques Bernkastel]] and [[Pantheon/CrueltyAndSadism Yuuki Terumi]]), [[Pantheon/MentalismOther Vanitas]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]], Dharkon
* TeethClenchedTeamwork with: The Chaos Gods
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearanceOther Zorc Necrophades]]
* Enemies:
** From the same universe: '''Every Yugioh Duelist ''Ever''''' (But especially [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks The Barian Emperors]], [[Pantheon/AntiVillains Eliphas]], [[Pantheon/IntrovertFlaws Yuma]] [[Pantheon/HeroicOutlooks Tsukumo]] and [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialBehaviour Astral]]), [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Sartorius]], [[Pantheon/ElementsAndNatureOther Dartz]]
** Other: [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]] and the [[Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw GUAL]], [[Pantheon/GamingGenresNToZ Sora]], [[Pantheon/{{Anger}} Terra]], [[Pantheon/CombatMagic Aqua]], [[Pantheon/{{Despondency}} Korra]], [[Pantheon/{{Weapons}} Kouji Kabuto]]
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/{{Gaming}}
* EvilCounterpart to: Aesir
* A God of Chaos and AnthropomorphicPersonification of Astral World's Chaos after it was discarded to die, only to become a thriving world known as Barian. Don Thousand seeks vengeance against Astral World and all forms of Law for trying to destroy him and Barian World when it refused to die [[TheUnfettered no matter the cost]]. Fusing Barian World with other realms, destroying everything in his way, [[{{Brainwashed}} brainwashing any who can help him further his goal]], and even [[MoreThanMindControl manipulating a situation so a person will end up on his side anyways]]. The Barian Emperors were his chosen champions, but all turned against him. He was defeated after absorbing all but one of his champions by his enemies Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Kaito, and Nasch, but had ensured Nasch would fulfill his goal anyways. Despite this he had made sure to sneak a part of himself into Vector even should he be revived, using Vector's ascension into the pantheon as a chance to ascend himself.
* Don Thousand is bitter enemies with Eliphas, his counterpart and a source of part of his chaos. This feeling is mutual. The same for Astral, who with the full power of the 100 Numbers was stalemated by Don Thousand's duelling skills and lost half of them in the past. He a part of Astral that contains his chaos Number 96: Black Mist as a minion, but Number 96 often ignores his calls to serve him. [[spoiler:Don Thousand knows Black Mist is only using him until Number 96 can overthrow him, which amuses Don Thousand with his arrogance]]. He gets along well with Vanitas a fellow ally of Black Mist, due to being the embodiment of the negative side of an individual. Though Don is one on a far grander scale.
* As Eliphas embodies the extremes of order, Don Thousand embodies the extremes of chaos. Chaos itself is not a malign force in his world as it's the source of life and helps with development, but he doesn't understand or care that there also needs to be order. Eliphas might be a KnightTemplar, but Don Thousand [[ChaosIsEvil is a lot worse]]. He represents the evils of chaos just as Yaldabaoth represents [[OrderIsNotGood the evils of order]]. As such, they are diametrically opposed to one another.
* Similar to the Chaos Gods in embodying chaos, but twisting it into something evil due to being an extreme. In both series BothOrderAndChaosAreDangerous, but Chaos is generally seen as worse. Though while his verse is relatively optimistic, the 41st millennium [[CrapsackWorld is a miserable place]] [[TheHeartless which contributes to the Chaos Gods' evil]]. Though there is mutual understanding because of their nature, the more...[[BlueAndOrangeMorality un]][[EldritchAbomination predictable]] nature of the Chaos Gods and his own ambitions makes any alliance they have tenuous. Also, chaos in Zexal is able to be better than law than in Warhammer as life in Don Thousand's series can exist without order, but not without chaos.
* Those who have suffered manipulation via brainwashing, corruption, and other such means have made him their personal enemies, with the last of Sora, Sartorius, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus seeing him as a poisonous existence that only brings suffering. Worse yet he is not just an embodiment of darkness, but light too. Though he prefers to manifest in his lesser form to hide his true divine appearance. Korra meanwhile sees him as the third coming of Vaatu, knowing his victory against Astral World would be worse for everyone else with no one to oppose him.
* He shares a similar status in the Yu-Gi-Oh universe as Zorc Necrophades; [[GodOfEvil malevolent god-monsters]] [[GreaterScopeVillain behind the evil of the series]], [[TheCorrupter corrupting others]]. While they share a similar dark aura, they differ in other ways. Zorc [[OmnicidalManiac wishes to destroy the world]] and is MadeOfEvil, but Don Thousand wants the Earth to exist [[AssimilationPlot to merge with the Barian World]] and is more of a chaos extremist than a destroyer. Thus, they are rivals instead of allies.
* Lucifer and the forces of Chaos are ''not'' his allies, however, as Lucifer knows that Don Thousand betrays and absorbs all those he can in their moment of weakness to make himself more powerful. Don plans to be the only one standing when he obtains his victory and Chaos refuses to allow such self-destructive chaos that benefits no one to reign. That being said, they both tend to embody chaos in its extreme, it's just that Lucifer's [[ALighterShadeOfBlack the more reasonable lord of Chaos]].
** Both agree that YHVH is one of their primary enemies, however, being an extreme MadGod of Law which equates to order in Don Thousand's mind.
* His former puppet Vector loathes him both for one-upping him and for using him again to get into the pantheon. Though he has yet to exploit it Don has made it clear he can force Vector to serve him, unlike Nasch.
* The House of Pantheon/{{Gaming}} dislikes him due to his cards being [[StoryBreakerPower ridiculously overpowered]], which can be detailed [[StoryBreakerPower/AnimeAndManga here]]. His strongest monster, Numeronius Numeronia, has '''100,000''' attack and defense points[[note]]players start with at most 8000 for comparison[[/note]] that resists destruction and forces the opponent to attack it(which is practically suicide) or they'll lose the duel. Since Dartz is an enemy of his due to his own experience with brainwashing, he's able to challenge him with an equally broken deck.

[[folder:Galeem and Dharkon]]
'''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosUltimate Galeem and Dharkon]], Dueling Deities of OrderVersusChaos''' (Galeem: [[DubNameChange Kiira, Kilaire, Kyra, Lúmina, Kiaran, Siyan]], The Lord of Light, The Ultimate Enemy | Dharkon: [[DubNameChange Darz, Sumbra, Dhars, Lúgubra, Teneber, Murak]], The Embodiment of Chaos and Darkness)
* Overdeities
* Symbol: Their respective cores: A ball of light (Galeem) and a purple eye (Dharkon)
* Theme Song:
** Galeem: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=rA7k4LIkLd8 Light Realm: Prologue]], [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z7rwNT2Dxfw Light Realm: March]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=JXLrRnxidy4 Galeem]]
** Dharkon: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=ipvGned1GrA The Dark Realm]], [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=kN6HvqbLOdU The Dark Realm: Mysterious Space]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=KOSl4BAcsH8 Dharkon]]
** Both: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=-FKKCJrhUUg Galeem/Dharkon]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=EhgDibw7vB4 Lifelight]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Galeem) and ChaoticEvil (Dharkon)
* Portfolio: BigBadEnsemble, [[ArchEnemy Sworn Enemies with Each Other]], AttackItsWeakPoint, EldritchAbomination, EvilVersusEvil, [[FatalFlaw Unable to Cooperate to Take Down the Smash Fighters]], SatanicArchetype, NoNonsenseNemesis, '''WorldWreckingWave'''
** Galeem: LightIsNotGood, [[HeroKiller (Almost) Everybody is Dead]], BeamSpam, DiscOneFinalBoss, [[InTheirOwnImage Destroyed the Universe and Rebuilt It in His Image]], KnightOfCerebus, LightEmUp, NearVillainVictory, OrderIsNotGood
** Dharkon: [[ApocalypseHow Seeks to Destroy the Universe]], CastingAShadow, ChaosIsEvil, DarkIsEvil, CombatTentacles, FacelessEye, GiantSpaceFleaOutOfNowhere, TheHedgeOfThorns, LovecraftLite, PurpleIsPowerful
* Domains: Order and Chaos, Creation and Destruction, Light and Darkness, Conflict, Crisis, Spirits
* Heralds:
** Galeem: '''''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBros64 Master Hand]]''''', [[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosMelee Giga Bowser]], [[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosBrawl Galleom]], [[VideoGame/MonsterHunter2004 Rathalos]]
** Dharkon: '''''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosMelee Crazy Hand]]''''', [[VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaI Ganon]], [[VideoGame/Castlevania1986 Dracula]], [[VideoGame/KirbySuperStar Marx]]


[[folder:Don Thousand]]
'''[[Anime/YuGiOhZEXAL Don Thousand]],
God of [[ChaosIsEvil Evil Chaos]]''' (The Evil God, [[FanNickname Don 1000, Donny, Don K, DT, Perfect Thousand]])
[[caption-width-right:350:[[labelnote:Don Thousand's True Form]]https://static.tvtropes.

* Overdeity (Greater God in his sealed form)
* Symbol: The Barian Emblem
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: [[AnthropomorphicPersonification Literal]] [[GodOfEvil God Of]] [[ChaosIsEvil Evil]] [[OrderVersusChaos Chaos]], [[EvilCounterpart Evil(er) Counterpart]], LargeAndInCharge, [[TheCorrupter Corruption of others]] [[ThePowerOfHate through hatred]] [[LaserGuidedAmnesia and amnesia]], EvilMentor, HeWhoMustNotBeSeen (until the climax, that is), GreaterScopeVillain, [[StoryBreakerPower Typical Yu-Gi-Oh! final boss power]], ThereIsNoKillLikeOverkill, YinYangBomb, MagicPokerEquation
* Domains: Chaos, Evil, Space, Corruption, Power, Darkness, Light
* Followers: [[ComicBook/DoctorStrange Cthon]], [[Series/GetSmart KAOS]], [[VideoGame/AdventureQuestWorlds Drakath]]
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance Number 96: Black Mist]]''', The Trollkaiger (Especially [[Pantheon/WritingTechniques Bernkastel]] and [[Pantheon/CrueltyAndSadism Yuuki Terumi]]), [[Pantheon/MentalismOther Vanitas]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]], Dharkon
* TeethClenchedTeamwork with: The Chaos Gods
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearanceOther Zorc Necrophades]]
* Enemies:
** From the same universe: '''Every Yugioh Duelist ''Ever''''' (But especially [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks The Barian Emperors]], [[Pantheon/AntiVillains Eliphas]], [[Pantheon/IntrovertFlaws Yuma]] [[Pantheon/HeroicOutlooks Tsukumo]] and [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialBehaviour Astral]]), [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Sartorius]], [[Pantheon/ElementsAndNatureOther Dartz]]
** Other: [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]] and the [[Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw GUAL]], [[Pantheon/GamingGenresNToZ Sora]], [[Pantheon/{{Anger}} Terra]], [[Pantheon/CombatMagic Aqua]], [[Pantheon/{{Despondency}} Korra]], [[Pantheon/{{Weapons}} Kouji Kabuto]]
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/{{Gaming}}
* EvilCounterpart to: Aesir
* A God of Chaos and AnthropomorphicPersonification of Astral World's Chaos after it was discarded to die, only to become a thriving world known as Barian. Don Thousand seeks vengeance against Astral World and all forms of Law for trying to destroy him and Barian World when it refused to die [[TheUnfettered no matter the cost]]. Fusing Barian World with other realms, destroying everything in his way, [[{{Brainwashed}} brainwashing any who can help him further his goal]], and even [[MoreThanMindControl manipulating a situation so a person will end up on his side anyways]]. The Barian Emperors were his chosen champions, but all turned against him. He was defeated after absorbing all but one of his champions by his enemies Yuma Tsukumo, Astral, Kaito, and Nasch, but had ensured Nasch would fulfill his goal anyways. Despite this he had made sure to sneak a part of himself into Vector even should he be revived, using Vector's ascension into the pantheon as a chance to ascend himself.
* Don Thousand is bitter enemies with Eliphas, his counterpart and a source of part of his chaos. This feeling is mutual. The same for Astral, who with the full power of the 100 Numbers was stalemated by Don Thousand's duelling skills and lost half of them in the past. He a part of Astral that contains his chaos Number 96: Black Mist as a minion, but Number 96 often ignores his calls to serve him. [[spoiler:Don Thousand knows Black Mist is only using him until Number 96 can overthrow him, which amuses Don Thousand with his arrogance]]. He gets along well with Vanitas a fellow ally of Black Mist, due to being the embodiment of the negative side of an individual. Though Don is one on a far grander scale.
* As Eliphas embodies the extremes of order, Don Thousand embodies the extremes of chaos. Chaos itself is not a malign force in his world as it's the source of life and helps with development, but he doesn't understand or care that there also needs to be order. Eliphas might be a KnightTemplar, but Don Thousand [[ChaosIsEvil is a lot worse]]. He represents the evils of chaos just as Yaldabaoth represents [[OrderIsNotGood the evils of order]]. As such, they are diametrically opposed to one another.
* Similar to the Chaos Gods in embodying chaos, but twisting it into something evil due to being an extreme. In both series BothOrderAndChaosAreDangerous, but Chaos is generally seen as worse. Though while his verse is relatively optimistic, the 41st millennium [[CrapsackWorld is a miserable place]] [[TheHeartless which contributes to the Chaos Gods' evil]]. Though there is mutual understanding because of their nature, the more...[[BlueAndOrangeMorality un]][[EldritchAbomination predictable]] nature of the Chaos Gods and his own ambitions makes any alliance they have tenuous. Also, chaos in Zexal is able to be better than law than in Warhammer as life in Don Thousand's series can exist without order, but not without chaos.
* Those who have suffered manipulation via brainwashing, corruption, and other such means have made him their personal enemies, with the last of Sora, Sartorius, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus seeing him as a poisonous existence that only brings suffering. Worse yet he is not just an embodiment of darkness, but light too. Though he prefers to manifest in his lesser form to hide his true divine appearance. Korra meanwhile sees him as the third coming of Vaatu, knowing his victory against Astral World would be worse for everyone else with no one to oppose him.
* He shares a similar status in the Yu-Gi-Oh universe as Zorc Necrophades; [[GodOfEvil malevolent god-monsters]] [[GreaterScopeVillain behind the evil of the series]], [[TheCorrupter corrupting others]]. While they share a similar dark aura, they differ in other ways. Zorc [[OmnicidalManiac wishes to destroy the world]] and is MadeOfEvil, but Don Thousand wants the Earth to exist [[AssimilationPlot to merge with the Barian World]] and is more of a chaos extremist than a destroyer. Thus, they are rivals instead of allies.
* Lucifer and the forces of Chaos are ''not'' his allies, however, as Lucifer knows that Don Thousand betrays and absorbs all those he can in their moment of weakness to make himself more powerful. Don plans to be the only one standing when he obtains his victory and Chaos refuses to allow such self-destructive chaos that benefits no one to reign. That being said, they both tend to embody chaos in its extreme, it's just that Lucifer's [[ALighterShadeOfBlack the more reasonable lord of Chaos]].
** Both agree that YHVH is one of their primary enemies, however, being an extreme MadGod of Law which equates to order in Don Thousand's mind.
* His former puppet Vector loathes him both for one-upping him and for using him again to get into the pantheon. Though he has yet to exploit it Don has made it clear he can force Vector to serve him, unlike Nasch.
* The House of Pantheon/{{Gaming}} dislikes him due to his cards being [[StoryBreakerPower ridiculously overpowered]], which can be detailed [[StoryBreakerPower/AnimeAndManga here]]. His strongest monster, Numeronius Numeronia, has '''100,000''' attack and defense points[[note]]players start with at most 8000 for comparison[[/note]] that resists destruction and forces the opponent to attack it(which is practically suicide) or they'll lose the duel. Since Dartz is an enemy of his due to his own experience with brainwashing, he's able to challenge him with an equally broken deck.

[[folder:Galeem and Dharkon]]
'''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosUltimate Galeem and Dharkon]], Dueling Deities of OrderVersusChaos''' (Galeem: [[DubNameChange Kiira, Kilaire, Kyra, Lúmina, Kiaran, Siyan]], The Lord of Light, The Ultimate Enemy | Dharkon: [[DubNameChange Darz, Sumbra, Dhars, Lúgubra, Teneber, Murak]], The Embodiment of Chaos and Darkness)

* Overdeities
* Symbol: Their respective cores: A ball of light (Galeem) and a purple eye (Dharkon)
* Theme Song:
** Galeem:
[[https://youtube.com/watch?v=rA7k4LIkLd8 Light Realm: Prologue]], [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z7rwNT2Dxfw Light Realm: March]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=JXLrRnxidy4 Galeem]]
** Dharkon: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=ipvGned1GrA The Dark Realm]], [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=kN6HvqbLOdU The Dark Realm: Mysterious Space]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=KOSl4BAcsH8 Dharkon]]
** Both: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=-FKKCJrhUUg Galeem/Dharkon]] and [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=EhgDibw7vB4 Lifelight]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Galeem) and ChaoticEvil (Dharkon)
* Portfolio: BigBadEnsemble, [[ArchEnemy Sworn Enemies with Each Other]], AttackItsWeakPoint, EldritchAbomination, EvilVersusEvil, [[FatalFlaw Unable to Cooperate to Take Down the Smash Fighters]], SatanicArchetype, NoNonsenseNemesis, '''WorldWreckingWave'''
** Galeem: LightIsNotGood, [[HeroKiller (Almost) Everybody is Dead]], BeamSpam, DiscOneFinalBoss, [[InTheirOwnImage Destroyed the Universe and Rebuilt It in
His Image]], KnightOfCerebus, LightEmUp, NearVillainVictory, OrderIsNotGood
** Dharkon: [[ApocalypseHow Seeks to Destroy the Universe]], CastingAShadow, ChaosIsEvil, DarkIsEvil, CombatTentacles, FacelessEye, GiantSpaceFleaOutOfNowhere, TheHedgeOfThorns, LovecraftLite, PurpleIsPowerful
* Domains: Order and Chaos, Creation and Destruction, Light and Darkness, Conflict, Crisis, Spirits
* Heralds:
** Galeem: '''''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBros64 Master Hand]]''''', [[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosMelee Giga Bowser]], [[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosBrawl Galleom]], [[VideoGame/MonsterHunter2004 Rathalos]]
** Dharkon: '''''[[VideoGame/SuperSmashBrosMelee Crazy Hand]]''''', [[VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaI Ganon]], [[VideoGame/Castlevania1986 Dracula]], [[VideoGame/KirbySuperStar Marx]]

Changed line(s) 151,186 (click to see context) from:

** Galeem: [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]], [[Pantheon/MindGames Arael]], [[Pantheon/HatredAndRancor Zamasu]], [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Darkseid]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Embryo]], [[Pantheon/ActsOfHatred The Anti-Spiral]], Ashera, [[Pantheon/MindControl Moebius]]
** Dharkon: [[Pantheon/DarknessAndShadow Dark Star]], [[Pantheon/UndeadAndPhasmata Nekron]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Azatoth]], [[Pantheon/OthernessAbominations Giygas]], [[Pantheon/LocationsAndSettings The Shadow Monster]], [[Pantheon/MonsterTypes Shuma-Gorath]], [[Pantheon/MagicCasters Alien Empera]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} The Heartless]], [[Pantheon/SplitPersonalities Vanitas]], Aesir, Don Thousand, [[Pantheon/GoodAndEvilColors Majin Buu]], [[Pantheon/VillainousFailure Angra Mainyu]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Sailor Chaos]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/RuinAndDestruction The Nothing]], [[Pantheon/CelestialBodiesAndStars The Sleeper]], [[Pantheon/CrossoversAndReferences Lord Vortech]], [[Pantheon/TimeAndTemporality Lord English]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Galacta Knight]]
* Enemies: Way too many to count. If you want specifics...
** ''Smash Bros.'': '''''[[EvilVersusEvil EACH OTHER and each other's allies]]''''', '''all [[Pantheon/SuperSmashBros ascended Smash Fighters]]''' (especially '''''[[Pantheon/{{Food}} Kirby]], [[Pantheon/{{Transformations}} Sephiroth]]''''' and '''''[[Pantheon/GamingGenresNToZ Sora]]'''''), '''[[Pantheon/BodyParts Master Hand and Crazy Hand]], [[Pantheon/PlainNeutral (Insert Name Here) (as Mii Fighters)]]'''
** Spirits: '''''[[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Tabuu]]''''', all deities from Pantheon/{{Nintendo}}, Pantheon/{{SNK}}, ''Pantheon/MetalGear, Pantheon/SonicTheHedgehog, Pantheon/MegaMan, Pantheon/StreetFighter, Pantheon/FinalFantasyVII, Pantheon/{{Bayonetta}}, Pantheon/{{Castlevania}}, Pantheon/MonsterHunter, Pantheon/Persona5, Pantheon/DragonQuest, VideoGame/BanjoKazooie, Pantheon/{{Minecraft}}, Pantheon/{{Tekken}}, Pantheon/{{Kingdom Hearts}}, Pantheon/ShovelKnight, VideoGame/{{Shantae}}, Pantheon/ResidentEvil, Pantheon/{{Cuphead}}, VideoGame/OctopathTraveler, Pantheon/NoMoreHeroes'', [[Pantheon/{{Phrases}} Akira Yuki]], [[Pantheon/{{Explosives}} Bomberman]], [[Pantheon/BodyAbsence Rayman]], [[Pantheon/{{Underclothes}} Arthur]], [[Pantheon/ReasonsForDeath Zagreus]]
** Mii Costumes: '''[[Pantheon/UnlivingBeings Sans]]''', [[Pantheon/SoldierArchetypesAToM Doom Slayer]], [[Pantheon/BeastHandlers Dovahkiin]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers The Monster Hunters]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Lloyd Irving]], [[Pantheon/EffectsOfPopularity Rabbids]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers Dante Sparda]], [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Makoto Yuki]], [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Yu Narukami]], [[Pantheon/CombatClothing Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]]
** ''Playstation All-Stars'': '''[[Pantheon/BodilyForm Polygon Man]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Sinners}} Kratos]], [[Pantheon/{{Electricity}} Cole [=MacGrath=]]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Needless Kane, Colonel Mael Radec]], [[Pantheon/SocialAndRecreationalWork Isaac Clarke]], [[Pantheon/WeaponizedTools Ratchet]] and [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Clank]], [[Pantheon/NarrativeTone Jak and Daxter]], [[Pantheon/LuckAndFortune Nathan Drake]], [[Pantheon/{{Mammals}} Sly Cooper]], [[Pantheon/GamingGenresNtoZ [=PaRappa=]]], [[Pantheon/GameDesign Sackboy]], [[Pantheon/EyeAppearances Sir Daniel Forteque IV]], [[Pantheon/GamingStyles Spike]], [[Pantheon/SpaceManipulation Kat]], ''[[Pantheon/{{Electricity}} Zeus]]''
** Others: [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Cosmos]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]], [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Lord Chaos]], [[Pantheon/{{Gaming}} Lord Fuse]], [[Pantheon/DimensionalAreas Shinryu]], [[Pantheon/{{Narrative}} Howard and Kreese]], [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Xehanort]], [[Pantheon/{{Twins}} Devola and Popola]], [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} Spongebob Squarepants]], [[Pantheon/PowerAndAbilities Son Goku]], [[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware Master of Chaldea]], [[Pantheon/WeaponWielding Mash Kyrielight]], [[Pantheon/TimeTravelling Kang the Conqueror]], [[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware The Console Patron Units]], Havik and Hotaru, [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Raava and Vaatu]], [[Pantheon/HeroicAchievementsAndLosses Ahura Mazda]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Lord of Nightmares]], [[Pantheon/SpaceAndCosmos Living Tribunal]], [[Pantheon/CombatOther Kuroki Kaze]], [[Pantheon/{{Harbingers}} Takuma Saiou]], [[Pantheon/LightAndBrightness Light of Destruction, Danielle Anastasia Baptiste]], [[Pantheon/HeroicRoles Gan]], [[Pantheon/CouplesArchetypes Mister Miracle and Big Barda, Hordak and Entrapta]], [[Pantheon/MediaAndConnectivity Adora and Catra]], [[Pantheon/AuthoritativeBehaviour Horde Prime]], [[Pantheon/FestivitiesAndHolidays Ultraman Mebius]], [[Pantheon/{{Shapeshifters}} Cassette Beasts Party Members]], [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} The Skylanders]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers The Protectors of the Plot Continuum]]
* Interests: [[Pantheon/MethodsOfKilling Kronika]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndVitality Zanza]], [[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Mercurius]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Thanos]]
* ''[[WaxingLyrical On that day when the sky fell away, their world came to an end.]]'' The fifth Smash Bros Tournament was meant to be the greatest celebration of video gaming the world has seen yet. All previous participators made a shocking return with a handful of anticipated newcomers. [[DontCelebrateJustYet Everyone's joy was cut short when Lord of Light, Galeem arrived with his army of Master Hands]]. The Smash Brothers (and Bash Sisters) stood their ground against Galeem but nearly all were atomized by Galeem's light. Galeem's light did not end with them [[LeaveNoSurvivors as it reached across universes and time itself to turn everything to ashes]]. Rising upon those ashes were the Spirits of those who had fallen, and those Spirits inhabit a new world created in Galeem's vision. The defeated fighters were trapped in a purgatory, where their trapped bodies produced clones in their images for the Spirits to inhabit. Meanwhile as Galeem reigned over his new world, his dark counterpart was waiting in his dark hell where no light could shined. [[BigBadEnsemble That being was the Embodiment of Chaos and Darkness, Dharkon]]. The survivors of Galeem's onslaught would traverse the new universe they found themselves, freeing their fellow fighters and fighting the endless Spirits from Galeem and later Dharkon's command. [[GoldenEnding Galeem and Dharkon were inevitably defeated, and the Spirits they captured spiraled away back to their respective world and the times they belonged to]]. It was the ultimate brawl for survival, bringing an end to the worlds of light and worlds of dark.
* To say that the entire Pantheon was ''freaking out'' throughout this situation would be an {{understatement}} of the eon. It would have been pretty horrific to lose almost all the fighters as is, though to lose perhaps an endless amount of people to Galeem's light was unprecedented. [[BrokeTheRatingScale The true victim count probably exceeded quadrillions]], though the Spirits that hounded the fighters were hundreds at a time in both Galeem's and Dharkon's realms. It would be easy on paper to send extremely powerful people from the Pantheon to resolve this, [[TheWorfEffect but not even Overdeities were exempt from being turned to Spirits]]. Why there was no contact to the Pantheon in the years where they were trapped by Galeem and Dharkon was due to [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall Master Hand severing connections to prevent leakers spoiling the tournament's surprises]].
* The SoleSurvivor of Galeem's onslaught was Kirby who escaped via the Warp Star. The newcomers who arrived later were spared from Galeem's attack, with them eventually joining Kirby and the other rescued fighters to stop Galeem. [[EnemyCivilWar Galeem would be defeated by their accumulated forces, only for Galeem to retreat when Dharkon moved to attack his vulnerable nemesis]]. As the Smash fighters were accidentally sent to Dharkon's realm where the abomination took control of around half of Galeem's Spirit army and the remaining captured fighters. The Smash fighters braved through this nightmarish land to defeat Dharkon as they did with Galeem. [[CameBackStrong By then, Galeem recovered enough to begin a counterattack against Dharkon]]. The Smash fighters were thrown into a final battle between Galeem and Dharkon with their Spirit armies clashing to universal war. [[FinalBoss All fighters dove in to end the madness, defeating Galeem and Dhakon in quick succession]]. With their defeats and no other threats emerging, and they finally escaped back to the Pantheon.
* What Galeem and Dharkon are exactly is never answered, it is undeniable these two ''despise'' each other so much that the fighters relied on them doing a MutualKill across their different confrontations. It should not even be said that if a single attack from one destroyed different universes, then ''nobody'' wants to see what they do unleashing everything they have. It is noted by the fighters that their devastating capabilities are a bit of a deterrent towards using their complete strength. [[AwesomeButImpractical After all, charging up the attack that kills everybody leaves them vulnerable not only to each other but to entities who are capable of ending them too]]. After their defeat, they did not die. They were turned into Spirits themselves, likely as a final effort to preserve themselves. Every wanted to do something like [[SealedEvilInACan lock them away in the Timeless Halls]] so they get as far away from video gaming as possible. Melkor always said he wanted to drag people with him if he was ever imprisoned again... [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor This is not what he had in mind]]? They somehow escape on the occasion, [[HereWeGoAgain leading to an entirely new World of Light and Dark Realm to explore]]. Why the Smashers go back to such dangers is a question they all want to answer for, though why nobody does anything is an equally big question.
* [[SoullessShell Spirits are typically found possessing the empty shells Galeem and Dharkon produced from the fighters]]. [[PowersViaPossession What abilities and boons they carry are dependent on the Spirit (which can range from individuals, groups, or objects)]], with the personality of the Spirit transplanting onto the body they inhabit and also being subservient to their respective controller's whims. [[ForcedTransformation Not to say that being turned to a Spirit is irreversible as Galeem and Dharkon forced more than a few Spirits to regain form, like Galleom and Dracula to impede the fighters with their power]]. The fighters upon destroying a Spirit's body used them as equipment and even manifested their physical forms as means to an end. [[{{Hammerspace}} Though it was relatively easy to transport over a thousand Spirits with them to use as weapons, tools, and transport]], the average fighter would say that they wished that the Spirits were less communicative [[GotMeDoingIt so that their traits wouldn't rub off of them]]. When Mario started asking Snake [[MemeticMutation why were they here just to suffer]], Snake realized this was starting to wear on them mentally.
* Sometimes if they failed against Galeem or Dharkon, the fighters pull out the ResetButton to try again, are more than a few methods that the fighters found that allowed them a reset without suffering gigantic consequences. Some tools for these resets include [[VideoGame/PokemonMysteryDungeonExplorers Time Gears]], the [[VideoGame/XenobladeChronicles2 Conduit]], or the [[VideoGame/SonicTheHedgehogCD Time Stones]] were utilized, causing timelines to branch out without seeming end. The Pantheon ''begged'' Kang to prune those timelines since he is experienced in dealing with unwanted realities. [[YouOweMe The conqueror did not pass up on the opportunity as he can have the Pantheon owe him anything for his efforts]]. Sometimes, an almighty entity such as Kronika or Mercurius forced a GroundhogDayLoop on the fighters to find entertainment in their suffering. When the fighters found their influence out, [[NoHoldsBarredBeatdown they all dogpiled on the perputrator until they were pulp]].
* [[ASimplePlan The Smash invitations were supposed to be a simple affair]]. Master Hand had people vote in the fourth tournament to be the most wanted fighter and the one who apparently won was Bayonetta. In truth, Sora actually won but Bayonetta was the closest they could from the ballot to put in. Besides forcing to deal with negotiating with Sora's [[Creator/{{Disney}} scary benefactors]], Master Hand had to deliberate who were also on the table to be invited. The newcomers who showed up later to the tournament outside of Sora were Piranha Plant, Joker, the Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, Eight, Banjo with Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Steve, Alex, Zombie, Enderman, Sephiroth, Pyra, Mythra, and Kazuya. [[UninvitedToTheParty Some were not even set by Master Hand to come as as, or at least were not directly given the invitation]]. Joker who stole his invitation from a person Master Hand wanted to get. Terry's invitation floated down to him after many other people tried nabbing it. Sothis somehow got an invitation to give to Byleth ([[ScrewTheRulesIHaveConnections a higher being have a lot of connections]]). The One-Winged Angel hunted down someone to get their invitation so he may [[VillainTakesAnInterest hunt Cloud down]] while Galeem attacked. This led to Master Hand after escaping Galeem's grasp to be confronted by ''so many'' people who were angered by being snubbed. Master Hand never thought he would have fight off the likes of [[Franchise/ResidentEvil Wesker]], [[VideoGame/FreedomPlanet Sash Lilac]], [[VideoGame/GuiltyGear Sol Badguy]], [[VideoGame/TeamFortress2 The Heavy]], and [[VideoGame/HonkaiImpact3rd Kaslana]] to justify that their universes being saved from Galeem and Dharkon.
** There were some requested fighters who showed be potentially invited could have already at the tournament, whether as bystanders, being active elements in the fight, or having simple references to their existence. There were many clamoring for the likes of Shovel Knight, Shantae, or the [[beloved]] Waluigi to join Smash. [[RealitySubtext Maybe they shouldn't have harassed Master Hand with emails to let their feelings known]]. Most of those who had these aspirations would admit that after being rendered without bodies and seeing how the fighters fought tooth and nail to survive, [[KilledByRequest Smash maybe not what it was cracked up to be.]]
* Galeem and Dharkon were perfectly capable of having Spirits take their original form to serve as the strongest minions of their armies. Galeem had Giga Bowser, Rathalos, and Galleom when the first encountered the Smashers. On the other hand, Dharkon had Ganon, Dracula, and Marx. That is not getting into the subsequent times they attacked they changed their linups to not repeat with the fighters. Galeem had [[VideoGame/MetalGearSolidPeaceWalker Peace Walker]], [[VideoGame/FireEmblemFates Anankos]], [[VideoGame/PokemonRubyAndSapphire Mega Rayquaza]], and [[VideoGame/{{Bayonetta}} Jubileus]]. Meanwhile, Dharkon had [[VideoGame/SonicAdventure Perfect Chaos]], [[VideoGame/SuperMetroid Phantoom]], [[VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiPartnersInTime Princess Shroob]], and [[VideoGame/SuperAdventureRockman Ra Moon]]. The point is that Galeem and Dharkon could have manifested anything to wreak havoc on each other, though seldom use probably to conserve energy. Surprisingly, Tabuu's Spirit was not manifested in a physical form [[TheBadGuyWins despite having defeated all fighters in the third Smash tournament with one attack just like they did]]. The likely reason is [[MakeWayForTheNewVillains even though Galeem and Dharkon easily destroyed Tabuu]], the entity of Subspace is too much to handle.
* Dharkon only uses Spirits as a means to an end against his counterpart, not wanting the same stagnate existence his counterpart desires. [[OmnicidalManiac The only thing that Dharkon wants outside of Galeem's death is to create a hellscape where no life outside his own cannot exist]]. His multiverse-ending beam does not disintegrate and then reconstruct the worlds as Galeem does. [[InstantDeathRadius Instead, everybody just simply dies and corpses litter the new world of darkness of Dharkon's vision]]. Almost everybody would be horrified by this except similar abominations who indulge in the monstrous visions of reality that they have. Nekron could only whistle at the thought of having Dharkon's power to handle all of the threats against him. Finding out where Dharkon's Spirit goes is what Nekron seeks as equipping it would have him be unstoppable. That being said, he has to find Dharkon's Spirit first and not a single person who was in those crisis meetings is budging on the location. [[EvenEvilHasStandards Not even Melkor would want to speak on it, even if universal destruction is something he would have approved of if it was by his own hands.]]
** To speak more broadly, most allies of Galeem and Dharkon do not understand the weight of their genocides and see them as means to an end for their ideals. Two notable entities who were turned into Spirits were Ashera and Giygas [[AloofAlly who are so far gone mentally that they did not care they became floating ghosts]]. The Dark Star may have been more miffed over Galeem than anything. YHVH, Embryo, Darkseid, and Moebius see Galeem as the ultimate weapon for law. Sailor Chaos, Alien Empera, Don Thousand, and Angra Mainyu see Dharkon as the ultimate spreader of chaos. None of them [[DoNotTauntCthulhu know how badly things will end for them]] if they ''try'' to directly interact with either entity.
* A person who could have greatly helped the Smashers was Sans of all skeletons and it should be clear to those who know that [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass Sans even as a Spirit can be a powerful weapon against Galeem and Dharkon]] due to his [[RippleEffectProofMemory unalterable memory]] and [[ThatOneBoss insane abilities]]. The problem is that Sans [[RefusalOfTheCall never bothered to help out]], not that one could blame him the fighters themselves had more than enough underlying trauma with what they all went through. [[DamnedByFaintPraise At least he left a costume of himself and a mixtape as an apology gift to those he abandoned]]. Though instead of meandering as everybody thought, Sans went on his own investigation on as to why the Pantheon is letting this happen. So many people like the [=CPUs=] have pushed for Galeem and Dharkon to be permanently dealt with but nobody in the Pantheon is budging outside of saying they were dealing with it. Curious of why [[StatusQuoIsGod this status quo is upheld]], Sans has been looking into the Pantheon's government but when he leave's Grillby's now... he's BeingWatched by ''some people''. Sans knows he is playing with fire but this only interests him further.
* Polygon Man took invitations that were circulating around to "invite" Pantheon members who were in [[VideoGame/PlayStationAllStarsBattleRoyale that tournament he arranged]] to the fifth Smash tournament where he used his powers to enter Smash easily. [[EvilIsPetty He does this so that may destroy Master Hand, then torture the fighters from both tournaments with his machinations]]. Polygon Man was only made aware of the real crisis while he was giving a monologue to the distracted fighters by the cliffside, [[OhCrap Polygon Man turned around to see the army of Master Hands approaching them to discover how out of his depth he was]]. The fighters Polygon Man sent his branded invitations to paid no mind to what happened to Polygon Man... until [[VideoGame/{{Uncharted}} Nathan Drake]] quipped the possibility of Galeem using Polygon Man's ability [[WhenDimensionsCollide to fuse realities]] to come after their worlds next. The Playstation All-Stars reluctantly used their invitations to go to the fifth tournament to retrieve Polygon Man's Spirit before his powers could be fully realized. The Playstation fighters (included the ones who showed up in Smash) get along well enough with the Smash counterparts, [[UnexpectedGameplayChange though were completely thrown off by the lack of Super Moves to finish off their enemies]]. Kratos could not join their final trip to grab Polygon Man though. [[GottaHaveItGonnaStealIt His invitation was stolen by a thief.]]
** While Zeus is a pop culture icon, it is hardly argued that he is a ''video game'' icon. Master Hand intended the tournament to be a celebration of video gaming [[UninvitedToTheParty and icons who do not come from a video game-started franchise as fighters are not welcomed]], which is why he was never invited to join the All-Stars in their war. Zeus had an idea to sneak to the fifth Smash tournament by disguising himself as his son [[VideoGame/GloryOfHeracles Heracles]] to witness such glorious battles. [[YouDoNotWantToKnow But then Zeus got cold feet upon seeing a spiky-haired gi-wearing man putting fur on himself to pretend to be a monkey to sneak in too]]. It was that moment seeing Goku was when Zeus realized he was over his head.
* Galeem and Dharkon regard Sora as one of their greatest threats, as the Keybearer's [[DangerousForbiddenTechnique Power of Waking]] can bring back the fighters from imprisonment just by showing up. All the fighters were trapped by Galeem, and the Keyblade called upon Mario to summon Sora. [[BigDamnHeroes It was when Mario summoned the Keyblade, Sora arrived from a gate of light to shine upon the purgatory the fighters were trapped in]]. Mario shook Sora's hand in thanks for saving them, grateful the young man could join them. [[HorrifyingTheHorror Galeem and Dharkon were perfectly aware of Sora and his role in the conflict between light and darkness but were both Galeem and Dharkon are afraid of getting the attention of any Keyblade wielder by how unpredictably powerful they can become, especially Sora or Xehanort]]. Speaking of the latter, Xehanort says Galeem and Dharkon are proof of [[BalanceBetweenGoodAndEvil the destructive imbalance between light and darkness]]. He would have gone after Galeem and Dharkon himself to end their strife if he wasn't... [[spoiler:so dead that his body left reality.]]
** Vanitas likes Dharkon well enough and has actually showed up in Dharkon's realm, thriving on its chaos as the Spirits hunted the fighters trapped inside. Dharkon did not send any Spirits after Vanitas, recognizing that not only is Vanitas, [[HonoraryTrueCompanion not a fighter but also a kindred Spirit to himself]]. [[spoiler:Likely because Dharkon is aware Vanitas is a Darkness incarnated to a new form]].
* Galeem and Dharkon completely destroying entire universes has been so traumatizing that it has been compared to [[FinalSolution more than a few genocidal actions]] too. It has been compared to wiping out half of all life across the universe that Thanos had done, though Thanos would point it is objective that Galeem and Dharkon [[SerialEscalation are WAY more destructive]] than what the Infinity Stones could bring. Plus, Thanos does not like being compared to these two since not even [[Franchise/{{Castlevania}} Death]] could escape their grasp. Majin Buu's [[KillAllHumans Human Extinction Attack]] is also brought up though again, a planetary-wide attack pales to a multiversal attack. Majin Buu at least is in Dharkon's good graces by sending Buu to eat at Galeem's Gourmet Race area. Zamasu could actually rival Galeem and Dharkon after [[AbstractApotheosis becoming Infinite Zamasu where he consumed the universe]] and tried breaking out of it before Zeno annihilated him. Zamasu respects Galeem for controlling sinful mortals and has tried convincing Galeem to "discipline" the Pantheon. When that did not work, [[CurbStompBattle Beerus came to beat Zamasu into oblivion for trying this.]]
* Shinryu been accused for being why Galeem and Dharkon keep coming back, seeing as the cycles he trapped the Warriors in is what Shinryu used to empower himself. [[NotMeThisTime As perverted as Shinryu's actions in the cycles were, Galeem and Dharkon have little connection to him outside of trapping Warriors Cloud and Sephiroth]]. Cosmos is more concerned if Shinryu is absorbing the memories of the participants whenever they go into conflict. Cosmos is right on this end, as Shinryu ''is'' absorbing the memories of the fighters. Not just the fighters, but the Spirits too and Shinryu ''hates'' it. He is actively trying to suppress the amount of memories he gets as there are countless memories he cannot moderate, [[TooSpicyForYogSothoth his senses are drowning in them]]. [[NiceJobFixingItVillain It took Lord English trying to kill Galeem and Dharkon for Shinryu to get out of that drunken trance that Shinryu found himself in.]]
* The Nothing had [[SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute taken ques]] from Galeem and Dharkon and became a threat seen on par with them. As a result of the Nothing beginning to purge the entire Creator/WarnerBros-produced multiverse, [[VideoGame/MultiVersus many from different universes collided to stop the Nothing's destruction]]... not before [[SkewedPriorities beating the crud out each other up in arenas]]. No action against the Nothing has happened yet since the Nothing's progress is quite slow on the multiversal destruction front and those dragged into that situation [[SeriesHiatus took an extensive break]] on beating each other. It was a break so long that the fifth tournmant resumed. Meanwhile, Spongebob Squarepants went to propose [[VideoGame/NickelodeonAllStarBrawl a tournament he headlined]] to fill the void the fifth Smash tournament left. [[SeriousBusiness It wasn't for fun or for glory]], it was to lift people's hopes in a dark time for the Pantheon where Smash was constantly had its hype stopped by these incidents[[labelnote:Sidenote]]Yes, the EVO crowd is rightfully pissed at this[[/labelnote]]. People found the Nicktoons tournament [[SoOkayItsAverage a relatively inoffensive distraction]] before returning to focus on Smash which is objectively more momentous and grand.
* Lord Fuse had been more than curious about what Spirits could mean for his army. Much like how Galeem created an army of clones, [[EvilTwin Fuse can do so just by just extracting the DNA of those he wants under him]]. However, there are clear discrepancies in power his Fusions have against their originals which equipping Spirits will circumvent. Fuse has been trying to find a way to bring [[HumanTraffickers a Spirit trafficking ring]] to the Pantheon, though his hopes were dashed when Galeem and Dharkon were defeated. Maybe Fuse can develop a way to turn others into Spirits like Galeem could though that is too far of an effort at the moment for his army.
* [[FetusTerrible The Sleeper may grow to be something like Dharkon once it grows up.]] It is the Sleeper's fate to evolve into an entity with similar powers to [[OurGodsAreDifferent The Heart of Darkness]], leading to humanity's horrific extinction. The Sleeper may not be able to ''end universes'' but that significant power the Sleeper holds would prove to be a liability to the Smashers if the Sleeper attempts to absorb Galeem or Dharkon. That is terrifying to anyone who knows how dangerous alien lifeforms could be.
* Kreese originally didn't care for Galeem and Dharkon, brushing them off as more Overdeities that the Pantheon make up mountains over molehills over... until he heard that one of the beings that turned into spirits are [[VideoGame/{{Nintendogs}} a Labrador Retriever and a Toy Poodle]]. After that, [[EvenEvilHasStandards he started advocating for their destruction]], though is only able to talk smack about them as people fight the two. Howard joins him but for a different reason. He thinks that Galeem, [[AngelicAbomination given his angelic appearance]], is ''possibly'' out to judge him for... [[ExtremeOmnisexual everything]].
* [[ShadowArchetype Havik and Hotaru are microcosms of Galeem and Dharkon's ideals and conflicts]]. Both represent order and chaos due to their upbringings from Chaosrealm and Orderrealm respectively. Due to their extremely opposing values, the two end up being enemies. [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything Does that sound familiar?]] Granted, [[ALighterShadeOfGrey not even Havik or Hotaru could say that what Galeem and Dharkon created is utopia compared to their ideals]]. You are either a floating ghost with no will or a dead person in a black abyss. It made them [[JerkassRealization slightly reflect on their own characters]] until they both realized they are faltering because of two entities who are far removed from where they are. Such thoughts would only lead to...



** Galeem: [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]], [[Pantheon/MindGames Arael]], [[Pantheon/HatredAndRancor Zamasu]], [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Darkseid]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Embryo]], [[Pantheon/ActsOfHatred The Anti-Spiral]], Ashera, [[Pantheon/MindControl Moebius]]
** Dharkon: [[Pantheon/DarknessAndShadow Dark Star]], [[Pantheon/UndeadAndPhasmata Nekron]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Azatoth]], [[Pantheon/OthernessAbominations Giygas]], [[Pantheon/LocationsAndSettings The Shadow Monster]], [[Pantheon/MonsterTypes Shuma-Gorath]], [[Pantheon/MagicCasters Alien Empera]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} The Heartless]], [[Pantheon/SplitPersonalities Vanitas]], Aesir, Don Thousand, [[Pantheon/GoodAndEvilColors Majin Buu]], [[Pantheon/VillainousFailure Angra Mainyu]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Sailor Chaos]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/RuinAndDestruction
The Nothing]], [[Pantheon/CelestialBodiesAndStars The Sleeper]], [[Pantheon/CrossoversAndReferences Lord Vortech]], [[Pantheon/TimeAndTemporality Lord English]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Galacta Knight]]
* Enemies: Way too many to count. If you want specifics...
** ''Smash Bros.'': '''''[[EvilVersusEvil EACH OTHER
and each other's allies]]''''', '''all [[Pantheon/SuperSmashBros ascended Smash Fighters]]''' (especially '''''[[Pantheon/{{Food}} Kirby]], [[Pantheon/{{Transformations}} Sephiroth]]''''' and '''''[[Pantheon/GamingGenresNToZ Sora]]'''''), '''[[Pantheon/BodyParts Master Hand and Crazy Hand]], [[Pantheon/PlainNeutral (Insert Name Here) (as Mii Fighters)]]'''
** Spirits: '''''[[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Tabuu]]''''', all deities from Pantheon/{{Nintendo}}, Pantheon/{{SNK}}, ''Pantheon/MetalGear, Pantheon/SonicTheHedgehog, Pantheon/MegaMan, Pantheon/StreetFighter, Pantheon/FinalFantasyVII, Pantheon/{{Bayonetta}}, Pantheon/{{Castlevania}}, Pantheon/MonsterHunter, Pantheon/Persona5, Pantheon/DragonQuest, VideoGame/BanjoKazooie, Pantheon/{{Minecraft}}, Pantheon/{{Tekken}}, Pantheon/{{Kingdom Hearts}}, Pantheon/ShovelKnight, VideoGame/{{Shantae}}, Pantheon/ResidentEvil, Pantheon/{{Cuphead}}, VideoGame/OctopathTraveler, Pantheon/NoMoreHeroes'', [[Pantheon/{{Phrases}} Akira Yuki]], [[Pantheon/{{Explosives}} Bomberman]], [[Pantheon/BodyAbsence Rayman]], [[Pantheon/{{Underclothes}} Arthur]], [[Pantheon/ReasonsForDeath Zagreus]]
** Mii Costumes: '''[[Pantheon/UnlivingBeings Sans]]''', [[Pantheon/SoldierArchetypesAToM Doom Slayer]], [[Pantheon/BeastHandlers Dovahkiin]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers
The Monster Hunters]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Lloyd Irving]], [[Pantheon/EffectsOfPopularity Rabbids]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers Dante Sparda]], [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Makoto Yuki]], [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Yu Narukami]], [[Pantheon/CombatClothing Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad]]
** ''Playstation All-Stars'': '''[[Pantheon/BodilyForm Polygon Man]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Sinners}} Kratos]], [[Pantheon/{{Electricity}} Cole [=MacGrath=]]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Needless Kane, Colonel Mael Radec]], [[Pantheon/SocialAndRecreationalWork Isaac Clarke]], [[Pantheon/WeaponizedTools Ratchet]] and [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Clank]], [[Pantheon/NarrativeTone Jak and Daxter]], [[Pantheon/LuckAndFortune Nathan Drake]], [[Pantheon/{{Mammals}} Sly Cooper]], [[Pantheon/GamingGenresNtoZ [=PaRappa=]]], [[Pantheon/GameDesign Sackboy]], [[Pantheon/EyeAppearances Sir Daniel Forteque IV]], [[Pantheon/GamingStyles Spike]], [[Pantheon/SpaceManipulation Kat]], ''[[Pantheon/{{Electricity}} Zeus]]''
** Others:
[[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Cosmos]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]], [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Lord Chaos]], [[Pantheon/{{Gaming}} Lord Fuse]], [[Pantheon/DimensionalAreas Shinryu]], [[Pantheon/{{Narrative}} Howard and Kreese]], [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Xehanort]], [[Pantheon/{{Twins}} Devola and Popola]], [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} Spongebob Squarepants]], [[Pantheon/PowerAndAbilities Son Goku]], [[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware Master of Chaldea]], [[Pantheon/WeaponWielding Mash Kyrielight]], [[Pantheon/TimeTravelling Kang the Conqueror]], [[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware The Console Patron Units]], Havik and Hotaru, [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Raava and Vaatu]], [[Pantheon/HeroicAchievementsAndLosses Ahura Mazda]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Lord of Nightmares]], [[Pantheon/SpaceAndCosmos Living Tribunal]], [[Pantheon/CombatOther Kuroki Kaze]], [[Pantheon/{{Harbingers}} Takuma Saiou]], [[Pantheon/LightAndBrightness Light of Destruction, Danielle Anastasia Baptiste]], [[Pantheon/HeroicRoles Gan]], [[Pantheon/CouplesArchetypes Mister Miracle and Big Barda, Hordak and Entrapta]], [[Pantheon/MediaAndConnectivity Adora and Catra]], [[Pantheon/AuthoritativeBehaviour Horde Prime]], [[Pantheon/FestivitiesAndHolidays Ultraman Mebius]], [[Pantheon/{{Shapeshifters}} Cassette Beasts Party Members]], [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} The Skylanders]], [[Pantheon/HuntersAndSlayers The Protectors of the Plot Continuum]]
* Interests: [[Pantheon/MethodsOfKilling Kronika]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndVitality Zanza]], [[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Mercurius]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Thanos]]
* ''[[WaxingLyrical On that day when the sky fell away, their world came to an end.]]'' The fifth Smash Bros Tournament was meant to be the greatest celebration of video gaming
the world has seen yet. All previous participators made a shocking return with a handful of anticipated newcomers. [[DontCelebrateJustYet Everyone's joy was cut short when Lord of Light, Galeem arrived with his army of Master Hands]]. The Smash Brothers (and Bash Sisters) stood their ground against Galeem but nearly all were atomized by Galeem's light. Galeem's light did not end with them [[LeaveNoSurvivors as it reached across universes and time itself to turn everything to ashes]]. Rising upon those ashes were the Spirits of those who had fallen, and those Spirits inhabit a new world created in Galeem's vision. The defeated fighters were trapped in a purgatory, where their trapped bodies produced clones in their images for the Spirits to inhabit. Meanwhile as Galeem reigned over his new world, his dark counterpart was waiting in his dark hell where no light could shined. [[BigBadEnsemble That being was the Embodiment of Chaos and Darkness, Dharkon]]. The survivors of Galeem's onslaught would traverse the new universe they found themselves, freeing their fellow fighters and fighting the endless Spirits from Galeem and later Dharkon's command. [[GoldenEnding Galeem and Dharkon were inevitably defeated, and the Spirits they captured spiraled away back to their respective world and the times they belonged to]]. It was the ultimate brawl for survival, bringing an end to the worlds of light and worlds of dark.
* To say that the entire Pantheon was ''freaking out'' throughout this situation would be an {{understatement}}
of the eon. It would have been pretty horrific to lose almost all the fighters as is, though to lose perhaps an endless amount of people to Galeem's light was unprecedented. [[BrokeTheRatingScale The true victim count probably exceeded quadrillions]], though the Spirits that hounded the fighters were hundreds at a time in both Galeem's and Dharkon's realms. It would be easy on paper to send extremely powerful people from the Pantheon to resolve this, [[TheWorfEffect but not even Overdeities were exempt from being turned to Spirits]]. Why there was no contact to the Pantheon in the years where they were trapped by Galeem and Dharkon was due to [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall Master Hand severing connections to prevent leakers spoiling the tournament's surprises]].
* The SoleSurvivor of Galeem's onslaught was Kirby who escaped via the Warp Star. The newcomers who arrived later were spared from Galeem's attack, with them eventually joining Kirby and the other rescued fighters to stop Galeem. [[EnemyCivilWar Galeem would be defeated by their accumulated forces, only for Galeem to retreat when Dharkon moved to attack his vulnerable nemesis]]. As the Smash fighters were accidentally sent to Dharkon's realm where the abomination took control of
around half of Galeem's Spirit army and the remaining captured fighters. The Smash fighters braved through this nightmarish land to defeat Dharkon as they did with Galeem. [[CameBackStrong By then, Galeem recovered enough to begin a counterattack against Dharkon]]. The Smash fighters were thrown into a final battle between Galeem and Dharkon with their Spirit armies clashing to universal war. [[FinalBoss All fighters dove in to end the madness, defeating Galeem and Dhakon in quick succession]]. With their defeats and no other threats emerging, and they finally escaped back to the Pantheon.
* What Galeem and Dharkon are exactly is never answered, it is undeniable these two ''despise'' each other so much that the fighters relied on them doing a MutualKill across their different confrontations. It should not even be said that if a single attack from one destroyed different universes, then ''nobody'' wants to see what they do unleashing everything they have. It is noted by the fighters that their devastating capabilities are a bit of a deterrent towards using their complete strength. [[AwesomeButImpractical After all, charging up the attack that kills everybody leaves them vulnerable not only to each other but to entities who are capable of ending them too]]. After their defeat, they did not die. They were turned into Spirits themselves, likely as a final effort to preserve themselves. Every wanted to do something like [[SealedEvilInACan lock them away in the Timeless Halls]] so they get as far away from video gaming as possible. Melkor always said he wanted to drag people with him if he was ever imprisoned again... [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor This is not what he had in mind]]? They somehow escape on the occasion, [[HereWeGoAgain leading to an entirely new World of Light and Dark Realm to explore]]. Why the Smashers go back to such dangers is a question they all want to answer for, though why nobody does anything is an equally big question.
* [[SoullessShell Spirits are typically
found possessing the empty shells Galeem and Dharkon produced from the fighters]]. [[PowersViaPossession What abilities and boons they carry are dependent on the Spirit (which can range from individuals, groups, or objects)]], with the personality of the Spirit transplanting onto the body they inhabit and also being subservient to their respective controller's whims. [[ForcedTransformation Not to say that being turned to a Spirit is irreversible as Galeem and Dharkon forced more than a few Spirits to regain form, like Galleom and Dracula to impede the fighters with their power]]. The fighters upon destroying a Spirit's body used them as equipment and even manifested their physical forms as means to an end. [[{{Hammerspace}} Though it was relatively easy to transport over a thousand Spirits with them to use as weapons, tools, and transport]], the average fighter would say that they wished that the Spirits were less communicative [[GotMeDoingIt so that their traits wouldn't rub off of them]]. When Mario started asking Snake [[MemeticMutation why were they here just to suffer]], Snake realized this was starting to wear on them mentally.
* Sometimes if they failed against Galeem or Dharkon, the fighters pull
out the ResetButton to try again, are more than a few methods that the fighters found that allowed them a reset without suffering gigantic consequences. Some tools for these resets include [[VideoGame/PokemonMysteryDungeonExplorers Time Gears]], the [[VideoGame/XenobladeChronicles2 Conduit]], or the [[VideoGame/SonicTheHedgehogCD Time Stones]] were utilized, causing timelines to branch out without seeming end. The Pantheon ''begged'' Kang to prune those timelines since he is experienced in dealing with unwanted realities. [[YouOweMe The conqueror did not pass up on the opportunity as he can have the Pantheon owe him anything for his efforts]]. Sometimes, an almighty entity such as Kronika or Mercurius forced a GroundhogDayLoop on the fighters to find entertainment in their suffering. When the fighters found their influence out, [[NoHoldsBarredBeatdown they all dogpiled on the perputrator until they were pulp]].
* [[ASimplePlan The Smash invitations were supposed to be a simple affair]]. Master Hand had people vote
in the fourth tournament to be the most wanted fighter and the one who apparently won was Bayonetta. In truth, Sora actually won but Bayonetta was the closest they could from the ballot to put in. Besides forcing to deal with negotiating with Sora's [[Creator/{{Disney}} scary benefactors]], Master Hand had to deliberate who were also on the table to be invited. The newcomers who showed up later to the tournament outside of Sora were Piranha Plant, Joker, the Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, Eight, Banjo with Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Steve, Alex, Zombie, Enderman, Sephiroth, Pyra, Mythra, and Kazuya. [[UninvitedToTheParty Some were not even set by Master Hand to come as as, or at least were not directly given the invitation]]. Joker who stole his invitation from a person Master Hand wanted to get. Terry's invitation floated down to him after many other people tried nabbing it. Sothis somehow got an invitation to give to Byleth ([[ScrewTheRulesIHaveConnections a higher being have a lot of connections]]). The One-Winged Angel hunted down someone to get their invitation so he may [[VillainTakesAnInterest hunt Cloud down]] while Galeem attacked. This led to Master Hand after escaping Galeem's grasp to be confronted by ''so many'' people who were angered by being snubbed. Master Hand never thought he would have fight off the likes of [[Franchise/ResidentEvil Wesker]], [[VideoGame/FreedomPlanet Sash Lilac]], [[VideoGame/GuiltyGear Sol Badguy]], [[VideoGame/TeamFortress2 The Heavy]], and [[VideoGame/HonkaiImpact3rd Kaslana]] to justify that their universes being saved from Galeem and Dharkon.
** There
were some requested fighters who showed be potentially invited could have already at the tournament, whether as bystanders, being active elements in the fight, or having simple references to their existence. There were many clamoring for the likes of Shovel Knight, Shantae, or the [[beloved]] Waluigi to join Smash. [[RealitySubtext Maybe they shouldn't have harassed Master Hand with emails to let their feelings known]]. Most of those who had these aspirations would admit that after being rendered without bodies and seeing how the fighters fought tooth and nail to survive, [[KilledByRequest Smash maybe not what it was cracked up to be.]]
* Galeem and Dharkon were perfectly capable of having Spirits take their original form to serve as the strongest minions of their armies. Galeem had Giga Bowser, Rathalos, and Galleom when the first encountered the Smashers. On the other hand, Dharkon had Ganon, Dracula, and Marx. That is not getting into the subsequent times they attacked they changed their linups to not repeat with the fighters. Galeem had [[VideoGame/MetalGearSolidPeaceWalker Peace Walker]], [[VideoGame/FireEmblemFates Anankos]], [[VideoGame/PokemonRubyAndSapphire Mega Rayquaza]], and [[VideoGame/{{Bayonetta}} Jubileus]]. Meanwhile, Dharkon had [[VideoGame/SonicAdventure Perfect Chaos]], [[VideoGame/SuperMetroid Phantoom]], [[VideoGame/MarioAndLuigiPartnersInTime Princess Shroob]], and [[VideoGame/SuperAdventureRockman Ra Moon]]. The point is that Galeem and Dharkon could have manifested anything to wreak havoc on each other, though seldom use probably to conserve energy. Surprisingly, Tabuu's Spirit was not manifested in a physical form [[TheBadGuyWins despite having defeated all fighters in the third Smash tournament with one attack just like they did]]. The likely reason is [[MakeWayForTheNewVillains even though Galeem and Dharkon easily destroyed Tabuu]], the entity of Subspace is too much to handle.
* Dharkon only uses Spirits as a means to an end against
his counterpart, not wanting the same stagnate existence his counterpart desires. [[OmnicidalManiac The only thing that Dharkon wants outside of Galeem's death is to create a hellscape where no life outside his own cannot exist]]. His multiverse-ending beam does not disintegrate and then reconstruct the worlds as Galeem does. [[InstantDeathRadius Instead, everybody just simply dies and corpses litter the new world of darkness of Dharkon's vision]]. Almost everybody would be horrified by this except similar abominations who indulge in the monstrous visions of reality that they have. Nekron could only whistle at the thought of having Dharkon's power to handle all of the threats against him. Finding out where Dharkon's Spirit goes is what Nekron seeks as equipping it would have him be unstoppable. That being said, he has to find Dharkon's Spirit first and not a single person who was in those crisis meetings is budging on the location. [[EvenEvilHasStandards Not even Melkor would want to speak on it, even if universal destruction is something he would have approved of if it was by his own hands.]]
** To speak more broadly, most allies of Galeem and Dharkon do not understand the weight of their genocides and see them as means to an end for their ideals. Two notable entities who were turned into Spirits were Ashera and Giygas [[AloofAlly who are so far gone mentally that they did not care they became floating ghosts]]. The Dark Star may have been more miffed over Galeem than anything. YHVH, Embryo, Darkseid, and Moebius see Galeem as the ultimate weapon for law. Sailor Chaos, Alien Empera, Don Thousand, and Angra Mainyu see Dharkon as the ultimate spreader of chaos. None of them [[DoNotTauntCthulhu know how badly things will end for them]] if they ''try'' to directly interact with either entity.
* A person who could have greatly helped the Smashers was Sans of all skeletons and it should be clear to those who know
that [[CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass Sans even as a Spirit can be a powerful weapon against Galeem and Dharkon]] due to his [[RippleEffectProofMemory unalterable memory]] and [[ThatOneBoss insane abilities]]. The problem is that Sans [[RefusalOfTheCall never bothered to help out]], not that one could blame him the fighters themselves had more than enough underlying trauma with what they all went through. [[DamnedByFaintPraise At least he left a costume of himself and a mixtape as an apology gift to those he abandoned]]. Though instead of meandering as everybody thought, Sans went on his own investigation on as to why the Pantheon is letting this happen. So many people like the [=CPUs=] have pushed for Galeem and Dharkon to be permanently dealt with but nobody in the Pantheon is budging outside of saying they were dealing with it. Curious of why [[StatusQuoIsGod this status quo is upheld]], Sans has been looking into the Pantheon's government but when he leave's Grillby's now... he's BeingWatched by ''some people''. Sans knows he is playing with fire but this only interests him further.
* Polygon Man took invitations
that were circulating around to "invite" Pantheon members who were in [[VideoGame/PlayStationAllStarsBattleRoyale that tournament he arranged]] to the fifth Smash tournament where he used his powers to enter Smash easily. [[EvilIsPetty He does this so that may destroy Master Hand, then torture the fighters from both tournaments with his machinations]]. Polygon Man was only made aware of the real crisis while he was giving a monologue to the distracted fighters by the cliffside, [[OhCrap Polygon Man turned around to see the army of Master Hands approaching them to discover how out of his depth he was]]. The fighters Polygon Man sent his branded invitations to paid no mind to what happened to Polygon Man... until [[VideoGame/{{Uncharted}} Nathan Drake]] quipped the possibility of Galeem using Polygon Man's ability [[WhenDimensionsCollide to fuse realities]] to come after their worlds next. The Playstation All-Stars reluctantly used their invitations to go to the fifth tournament to retrieve Polygon Man's Spirit before his powers could be fully realized. The Playstation fighters (included the ones who showed up in Smash) get along well enough with the Smash counterparts, [[UnexpectedGameplayChange though were completely thrown off by the lack of Super Moves to finish off their enemies]]. Kratos could not join their final trip to grab Polygon Man though. [[GottaHaveItGonnaStealIt His invitation was stolen by a thief.]]
** While Zeus is a pop culture icon, it is hardly argued that he is a ''video game'' icon. Master Hand intended the tournament to be a celebration of video gaming [[UninvitedToTheParty and icons who do not come from a video game-started franchise as fighters are not welcomed]], which is why he was never invited to join the All-Stars in their war. Zeus had an idea to sneak to the fifth Smash tournament by disguising himself as his son [[VideoGame/GloryOfHeracles Heracles]] to witness such glorious battles. [[YouDoNotWantToKnow But then Zeus got cold feet upon seeing a spiky-haired gi-wearing man putting fur on himself to pretend to be a monkey to sneak in too]]. It was that moment seeing Goku was when Zeus realized he was over his head.
* Galeem and Dharkon regard Sora as one of their greatest threats, as the Keybearer's [[DangerousForbiddenTechnique Power of Waking]] can bring back the fighters from imprisonment just by showing up. All the fighters were trapped by Galeem, and the Keyblade called upon Mario to summon Sora. [[BigDamnHeroes It was when Mario summoned the Keyblade, Sora arrived from a gate of light to shine upon the purgatory the fighters were trapped in]]. Mario shook Sora's hand in thanks for saving them, grateful the young man could join them. [[HorrifyingTheHorror Galeem and Dharkon were perfectly aware of Sora and his role in the conflict between light and darkness but were both Galeem and Dharkon are afraid of getting the attention of any Keyblade wielder by how unpredictably powerful they can become, especially Sora or Xehanort]].
Speaking of the latter, Xehanort says Galeem and Dharkon are proof of [[BalanceBetweenGoodAndEvil the destructive imbalance between light and darkness]]. He would have gone after Galeem and Dharkon himself to end their strife if he wasn't... [[spoiler:so dead that his body left reality.]]
** Vanitas likes Dharkon well enough and has actually showed up in Dharkon's realm, thriving on its chaos as the Spirits hunted the fighters trapped inside. Dharkon did not send any Spirits after Vanitas, recognizing that not only is Vanitas, [[HonoraryTrueCompanion not a fighter but also a kindred Spirit to himself]]. [[spoiler:Likely because Dharkon is aware Vanitas is a Darkness incarnated to a new form]].
* Galeem
and Dharkon completely destroying entire universes has been so traumatizing that it has been compared to [[FinalSolution more than a few genocidal actions]] too. It has been compared to wiping out half of all life across the universe that Thanos had done, though Thanos would point it is objective that Galeem and Dharkon [[SerialEscalation are WAY more destructive]] than what the Infinity Stones could bring. Plus, Thanos does not like being compared to these two since not even [[Franchise/{{Castlevania}} Death]] could escape their grasp. Majin Buu's [[KillAllHumans Human Extinction Attack]] is also brought up though again, a planetary-wide attack pales to a multiversal attack. Majin Buu at least is in Dharkon's good graces by sending Buu to eat at Galeem's Gourmet Race area. Zamasu could actually rival Galeem and Dharkon after [[AbstractApotheosis becoming Infinite Zamasu where he consumed the universe]] and tried breaking out of it before Zeno annihilated him. Zamasu respects Galeem for controlling sinful mortals and has tried convincing Galeem to "discipline" the Pantheon. When that did not work, [[CurbStompBattle Beerus came to beat Zamasu into oblivion for trying this.]]
* Shinryu been accused for being why Galeem and Dharkon keep coming back, seeing as the cycles he trapped the Warriors in is what Shinryu used to empower himself. [[NotMeThisTime As perverted as Shinryu's actions in the cycles were, Galeem and Dharkon have little connection to him outside of trapping Warriors Cloud and Sephiroth]]. Cosmos is more concerned if Shinryu is absorbing the memories of the participants whenever they go into conflict. Cosmos is right on this end, as Shinryu ''is'' absorbing the memories of the fighters. Not just the fighters, but the Spirits too and Shinryu ''hates'' it. He is actively trying to suppress the amount of memories he gets as there are countless memories he cannot moderate, [[TooSpicyForYogSothoth his senses are drowning in them]]. [[NiceJobFixingItVillain It took Lord English trying to kill Galeem and Dharkon for Shinryu to get out of that drunken trance that Shinryu found himself in.]]
* The Nothing had [[SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute taken ques]] from Galeem and Dharkon and became a threat seen on par with them. As a result of the Nothing beginning to purge the entire Creator/WarnerBros-produced multiverse, [[VideoGame/MultiVersus many from different universes collided to stop the Nothing's destruction]]... not before [[SkewedPriorities beating the crud out each other up in arenas]]. No action against the Nothing has happened yet since the Nothing's progress is quite slow on the multiversal destruction front and those dragged into that situation [[SeriesHiatus took an extensive break]] on beating each other. It was a break so long that the fifth tournmant resumed. Meanwhile, Spongebob Squarepants went to propose [[VideoGame/NickelodeonAllStarBrawl a tournament he headlined]] to fill the void the fifth Smash tournament left. [[SeriousBusiness It wasn't for fun or for glory]], it was to lift people's hopes in a dark time for the Pantheon where Smash was constantly had its hype stopped by these incidents[[labelnote:Sidenote]]Yes, the EVO crowd is rightfully pissed at this[[/labelnote]]. People found the Nicktoons tournament [[SoOkayItsAverage a relatively inoffensive distraction]] before returning to focus on Smash which is objectively more momentous and grand.
* Lord Fuse had been more than curious about what Spirits could mean for his army. Much like how Galeem created an army of clones, [[EvilTwin Fuse can do so just by just extracting the DNA of those he wants under him]]. However, there are clear discrepancies in power his Fusions have against their originals which equipping Spirits will circumvent. Fuse has been trying to find a way to bring [[HumanTraffickers a Spirit trafficking ring]] to the Pantheon, though his hopes were dashed when Galeem and Dharkon were defeated. Maybe Fuse can develop a way to turn others into Spirits like Galeem could though that is too far of an effort at the moment for his army.
* [[FetusTerrible The Sleeper may grow to be something like Dharkon once it grows up.]] It is the Sleeper's fate to evolve into an entity with similar powers to [[OurGodsAreDifferent The Heart of Darkness]], leading to humanity's horrific extinction. The Sleeper may not be able to ''end universes'' but
that significant power the Sleeper holds would prove to be a liability to the Smashers if the Sleeper attempts to absorb Galeem or Dharkon. That is terrifying to anyone who knows how dangerous alien lifeforms could be.
* Kreese originally
didn't care for Galeem and Dharkon, brushing them off as more Overdeities that the Pantheon make up mountains over molehills over... until he heard that one of the beings that turned into spirits are [[VideoGame/{{Nintendogs}} a Labrador Retriever and a Toy Poodle]]. After that, [[EvenEvilHasStandards he started advocating for their destruction]], though is only able to talk smack about them as people fight the two. Howard joins him but for a different reason. He thinks that Galeem, [[AngelicAbomination given his angelic appearance]], is ''possibly'' out to judge him for... [[ExtremeOmnisexual everything]].
* [[ShadowArchetype Havik
and Hotaru are microcosms of Galeem and Dharkon's ideals and conflicts]]. Both represent order and chaos due to their upbringings from Chaosrealm and Orderrealm respectively. Due to their extremely opposing values, the two end up being enemies. [[DoesThisRemindYouOfAnything Does that sound familiar?]] Granted, [[ALighterShadeOfGrey not even Havik or Hotaru could say that what Galeem and Dharkon created is utopia compared to their ideals]]. You are either a floating ghost with no will or a dead person in a black abyss. It made them [[JerkassRealization slightly reflect on their own characters]] until they both realized they are faltering because of two entities who are far removed from

where they are. Such thoughts would only lead to...


Changed line(s) 189,215 (click to see context) from:

!Greater Gods

[[folder:Death the Kid]]
'''[[Manga/SoulEater Death the Kid]], God of [[ObsessivelyOrganized Absolute (Symmetric) Order Obsession]]''' (Kid)
* Greater God, formerly an Intermediate God.
* Symbol: The Thompson Sisters in gun form, positioned symmetrically.
* Theme Music: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=081zB1ITbSo Bang Bang Have a Nice Dream]]
* Alignment: LawfulNeutral initially. Now shifting between LawfulGood and NeutralGood.
* Portfolio: [[ThePerfectionist Perfectionists]] PlayedForLaughs, [[ObsessivelyOrganized Obsession with Symmetry]], HoverBoard Riders, [[TheGunslinger Gunslinging]] [[GunsAkimbo With Two Guns]], [[GangstaStyle Holding Those Guns Upside Down]], [[FashionableAsymmetry Asymmetric Hair]], [[{{Shinigami}} Grim Reapers]]
* Domains: Obsession, Philosophy, Combat, Death.
* Heralds: His Weapon partners, Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson
* Allies: [[Pantheon/{{Luckiness}} Miki Aono]], [[Pantheon/PridefulArchetypes Black☆Star]] (his partner-in-crime), [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Maka Albarn, Soul Eater Evans]], [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance Crona]], [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Revy]], [[Pantheon/AimAndSkill Coyote Starrk]], [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Satya Vaswani/Symmetra]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/EyeColors Medusa Gorgon]], anything asymmetric.
* Opposes: [[Pantheon/{{Anger}} Excalibur]] (Of course. (ﺧ益ﺨ) Disgusting...), [[Pantheon/{{Costumes}} Kaori Kanzaki]] (Her clothes aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/GameMechanics Milla Basset]] (Her bracelets and anklets aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearanceOther Nue Houjuu]] (Her wings aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Esmeralda]] (need you ask?)
* On being deified and granted a house, the very thing Death the Kid did was to renovate the house and ensuring that everything is in perfect symmetry. He is capable of analyzing whether something is symmetric or not, to the smallest detail.
* Death the Kid appreciates anything that looks symmetric, to the point of tolerating someone like Revy. However, that didn't extend to [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Roronoa Zoro]], who excels in dual wielding swords, as he carries a lot of swords at once, they often make him look asymmetric.
* Whenever he realizes that he did something asymmetric or destroyed something of perfect symmetry, [[HeroicBSOD he'd fall down to his knees and continue beating the ground, sobbing that he's a trash heap and hideous swine for his the asymmetrical act, so hopeless he could just die]]. [[PlayedForLaughs It's hilarious, kinda]].
** [[Pantheon/{{Luckiness}} Miki Aono]] has been telling him that it's okay to look a little off, asymmetric and still be perfect... Sometimes succeeding, sometimes Kid just didn't listen and continues to drown in his BSOD. Though he does learn to appreciate her friendship.
* Is rather miffed that amongst the Deaths residing in the House of Pantheon/DeathAndPostmortem, his father is not counted amongst them. Some of these "Deaths" disgust him.
** He thought he heard his [[Creator/RikiyaKoyama father]] within the Pantheon. When he went to investigate, he instead found it to be Coyote Starrk. After a brief misunderstanding, the two get along rather well nowadays, particularly in matters pertaining to handguns... whenever Kid isn't pointing out the asymmetrical-ness of his outfit.
--> "If you just lost the eyepatch, it would be perfect!"
* Is currently taking notes on the Pantheon's "Boobie Trio", after realizing that he has to investigate a phenomenon he referred to as "The Madness of Boobs".
** Unexpectedly, his investigation led to the discovery that Paio, the "founder" of the group turned out to be flat-chested. As he considered such odd one out to be "completely unsymmetrical" for the group, even more so than the breast size differences of his guns Patty and Liz, Death the Kid eventually arranged it that she is to be booted from the group. However, he would recommend her to start out the inversion being a group of flat chested ladies. He hoped the new group would be symmetrical this time.
* Was delighted to hear that his father, Lord Death ascended as the Greater God of Friendly Grim Reapers, leading to a touching reunion between father and son. Lord Death has also taken to help train his son now that he has fully ascended and [[SoProudOfYou expresses how proud he is of him]].
* He has been working on getting his partners, Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson ascended onto the Pantheon. While he has made some steps by making them his heralds, he proclaimed they deserved proper places here to be with their friends.
* [[WebVideo/NonePiece He once deduced]] that Creator/JenniferLawrence plus Creator/ChrisPratt equals big money, but he was proven wrong due to [[{{Film/Passengers|2016}} recent events]].


!Greater Gods

[[folder:Death the Kid]]
'''[[Manga/SoulEater Death the Kid]],

God of [[ObsessivelyOrganized Absolute (Symmetric) Order Obsession]]''' (Kid)
* Greater God, formerly an Intermediate God.
* Symbol: The Thompson Sisters in gun form, positioned symmetrically.
* Theme Music: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=081zB1ITbSo Bang Bang Have a Nice Dream]]
* Alignment: LawfulNeutral initially. Now shifting between LawfulGood and NeutralGood.
* Portfolio: [[ThePerfectionist Perfectionists]] PlayedForLaughs, [[ObsessivelyOrganized Obsession with Symmetry]], HoverBoard Riders, [[TheGunslinger Gunslinging]] [[GunsAkimbo With Two Guns]], [[GangstaStyle Holding Those Guns Upside Down]], [[FashionableAsymmetry Asymmetric Hair]], [[{{Shinigami}} Grim Reapers]]
* Domains: Obsession, Philosophy, Combat, Death.
* Heralds: His Weapon partners, Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson
* Allies: [[Pantheon/{{Luckiness}} Miki Aono]], [[Pantheon/PridefulArchetypes Black☆Star]] (his partner-in-crime), [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Maka Albarn, Soul Eater Evans]], [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance Crona]], [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Revy]], [[Pantheon/AimAndSkill Coyote Starrk]], [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Satya Vaswani/Symmetra]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/EyeColors Medusa Gorgon]], anything asymmetric.
* Opposes: [[Pantheon/{{Anger}} Excalibur]] (Of course. (ﺧ益ﺨ) Disgusting...), [[Pantheon/{{Costumes}} Kaori Kanzaki]] (Her clothes aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/GameMechanics Milla Basset]] (Her bracelets
and anklets aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearanceOther Nue Houjuu]] (Her wings aren't symmetrical), [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Esmeralda]] (need you ask?)
* On being deified and granted a house, the very thing Death the Kid did was to renovate the house and ensuring that everything is in perfect symmetry. He is capable of analyzing whether something is symmetric or not, to the smallest detail.
* Death
the Kid appreciates anything that looks symmetric, to the point of tolerating someone like Revy. However, that didn't extend to [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Roronoa Zoro]], who excels in dual wielding swords, as he carries a lot of swords at once, they often make him look asymmetric.
* Whenever he realizes
that he did something asymmetric or destroyed something of perfect symmetry, [[HeroicBSOD he'd fall down to his knees and continue beating the ground, sobbing that he's a trash heap and hideous swine for his the asymmetrical act, so hopeless he could just die]]. [[PlayedForLaughs It's hilarious, kinda]].
** [[Pantheon/{{Luckiness}} Miki Aono]] has been telling
him that it's okay to look a little off, asymmetric and still be perfect... Sometimes succeeding, sometimes Kid just didn't listen and continues to drown in his BSOD. Though he does learn to appreciate her friendship.
* Is rather miffed that amongst the Deaths residing in the House of Pantheon/DeathAndPostmortem, his father is not counted amongst them. Some of these "Deaths" disgust him.
** He thought he heard his [[Creator/RikiyaKoyama father]] within the Pantheon. When he went to investigate, he instead found it to be Coyote Starrk. After a brief misunderstanding, the two get along rather well nowadays, particularly in matters pertaining to handguns... whenever Kid isn't pointing out the asymmetrical-ness of his outfit.
--> "If you just lost the eyepatch, it would be perfect!"
* Is currently taking notes on the Pantheon's "Boobie Trio", after realizing that he has to investigate a phenomenon he referred to as "The Madness of Boobs".
** Unexpectedly, his investigation led to the discovery that Paio, the "founder" of the group turned out to be flat-chested. As he considered such odd one out to be "completely unsymmetrical" for the group, even more so than the breast size differences of his guns Patty and Liz, Death the Kid eventually arranged it that she is to be booted from the group. However, he would recommend her to start out the inversion being a group of flat chested ladies. He hoped the new group would be symmetrical this time.
* Was delighted to hear that his father, Lord Death ascended as the Greater God of Friendly Grim Reapers, leading to a touching reunion between father and son. Lord Death has also taken to help train his son now that he has fully ascended and [[SoProudOfYou expresses how proud he is of him]].
* He has been working on getting his partners, Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson ascended onto the Pantheon. While he has made some steps by making them his heralds, he proclaimed they deserved proper places here to be
with their friends.
* [[WebVideo/NonePiece He once deduced]] that Creator/JenniferLawrence plus Creator/ChrisPratt equals big money, but he was proven wrong due to [[{{Film/Passengers|2016}} recent events]].

Changed line(s) 218,231 (click to see context) from:

'''[[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Discord]], God of [[WorldOfChaos Topsy-Turvyness]]''' (The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, Captain Wuzz, [[ComicBook/MyLittlePonyFriendsForever Discord P. Sullivan, Accord, The Spirit of Order]], [[spoiler:Grogar]], [[WebAnimation/DeathBattle The Devilish Draconequus from My Little Pony]])
[[caption-width-right:330:[[labelnote:As Accord]]\\
[[caption-width-right:330:[[labelnote:As [[spoiler:Grogar]]\\
* Greater God (Overdeity in Chaosville)
* Symbol: A cotton-candy cloud raining chocolate milk, or a [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS4E25TwilightsKingdomPart1 tornado]]
* Theme Songs: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=fHn19IgXpq8 Don Discord]] ([[https://youtube.com/watch?v=B6afMTdh8gs or this theme]])
* Alignment: ChaoticNeutral, bordering on ChaoticGood (formerly ChaoticEvil) (LawfulNeutral as Accord)
* Portfolio: '''MixAndMatchCritters[[note]] a Draconequuscervuscaperleonaquilalacertavespertilioserpens to be exact'''[[/note]], [[MadGod Insane Entities of Godlike Power]] ([[SealedEvilInACan Sealed Inside]] [[TakenForGranite Stone For A Time]]), {{Heel Face Turn}}s [[DefeatMeansFriendship Brought About by]] [[IJustWantToHaveFriends Friendship]], [[ManipulativeBastard Mind Games]] and [[TricksterGod Trickery]], [[OddFriendship Friendship With the Most Unlikely of Beings]], [[ReformedButNotTamed Not THAT Reformed]] (until going into another HeelFaceTurn), [[CannotKeepASecret Incapable of Keeping Secrets]], FatalFlaw: {{Pride}}, PsychopathicManChild, [[ImaginationBasedSuperpower Limited Only by His Imagination]], [[DidntThinkThisThrough Not Thinking Things Through]], GodOfChaos
* Domains: Chaos, Madness, Manipulation, Trickery
* Followers: WebAnimation/ILoveKimPossibleAlot


'''[[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Discord]], God
of [[WorldOfChaos Topsy-Turvyness]]''' (The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, Captain Wuzz, [[ComicBook/MyLittlePonyFriendsForever Discord P. Sullivan, Accord, The Spirit of Order]], [[spoiler:Grogar]], [[WebAnimation/DeathBattle The Devilish Draconequus from My Little Pony]])
[[caption-width-right:330:[[labelnote:As Accord]]\\
[[caption-width-right:330:[[labelnote:As [[spoiler:Grogar]]\\
* Greater God (Overdeity in Chaosville)
* Symbol: A cotton-candy cloud raining chocolate milk, or a [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS4E25TwilightsKingdomPart1 tornado]]
* Theme Songs: [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=fHn19IgXpq8 Don Discord]] ([[https://youtube.com/watch?v=B6afMTdh8gs or this theme]])
* Alignment: ChaoticNeutral, bordering on ChaoticGood (formerly ChaoticEvil) (LawfulNeutral as Accord)
* Portfolio: '''MixAndMatchCritters[[note]] a Draconequuscervuscaperleonaquilalacertavespertilioserpens to be exact'''[[/note]], [[MadGod Insane Entities of Godlike Power]] ([[SealedEvilInACan Sealed Inside]] [[TakenForGranite Stone For A Time]]), {{Heel Face Turn}}s [[DefeatMeansFriendship Brought About by]] [[IJustWantToHaveFriends Friendship]], [[ManipulativeBastard Mind Games]] and [[TricksterGod Trickery]], [[OddFriendship Friendship With the Most Unlikely of Beings]], [[ReformedButNotTamed Not THAT Reformed]] (until going into another HeelFaceTurn), [[CannotKeepASecret Incapable of Keeping Secrets]], FatalFlaw: {{Pride}}, PsychopathicManChild, [[ImaginationBasedSuperpower Limited Only by His Imagination]], [[DidntThinkThisThrough Not Thinking Things Through]], GodOfChaos
* Domains: Chaos, Madness, Manipulation, Trickery
* Followers: WebAnimation/ILoveKimPossibleAlot

Changed line(s) 233,271 (click to see context) from:

** Equestria Deities: '''[[Pantheon/NaturePreservers Fluttershy]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Costumes}} Rarity]], [[Pantheon/InternalPowerSources Twilight Sparkle]], [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Rainbow]] [[Pantheon/{{Weather}} Dash]], [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Applejack]], [[Pantheon/JoyAndHappiness Pinkie]] [[Pantheon/{{Celebration}} Pie]], [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks Spike]], [[Pantheon/FantasticalBeasts Princess Celestia and Luna]], [[Pantheon/CharacterChanges Starlight Glimmer]], [[Pantheon/ArroganceAndHubris Trixie]]
** Others: '''[[Pantheon/{{Tics}} Q]]''', [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks Rei Shingetsu/Vector]], [[Pantheon/{{Vampires}} Gangrel and Luna Vachon]], [[Pantheon/NamingIdentification Mister Mxyzptlk]], [[Pantheon/{{Felines}} Bastet]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/MagicCasters Lord Tirek]], [[Pantheon/BodilyForm Queen Chrysalis]]''' (for kidnapping Fluttershy), [[Pantheon/EyeAbilities King Sombra]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Lord Brevon]], [[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering Alex Mercer]], [[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Chaos]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Chaos (Sailor Moon)]], '''[[Pantheon/OtherworldlyAndUnorthodoxLocations Bill Cipher]]'''
* CommonalityConnection with: [[Pantheon/MannersOfAuthority Alarak]]
* Discord used to hold a title in the House of Pantheon/{{Villainy}} as the God of [[VileVillainSaccharineShow Disproportionately Evil Villains in Light-Hearted Shows]], but his massive power level associated to a tendency to wreak chaos led to his replacement and yet another petrification by means of the Elements of Harmony. Discord's position was taken by [[Franchise/{{Kirby}} Zero]], who Discord himself admits is much better suited for the role.
* Shortly after his second imprisonment, Princess Celestia convinced the Pantheon/CourtOfTheGods to release Discord on strict probation, claiming that Fluttershy could possibly reform his ways. Sure enough, the pegasus was able to successfully forge an odd friendship with Discord and is currently acting his MoralityPet. The other gods still exercise extreme caution when dealing with him, as [[MoralityChain without Fluttershy Discord would likely go back to his old ways]], and many are not convinced that his reformation is not simply another trick.
** Has made frequent visits to meet up with Fluttershy in the newly formed House of Friendship. Many of the gods there have asked Fluttershy how it would be best to approach Discord, but Fluttershy just responds, "Sometimes, we just need to be shown a little kindness." In fact, many gods are amazed to find how deep this friendship goes, to the point that Discord even found himself worried that Fluttershy would hate him for what he was: a being that thrived on chaos. Fluttershy doesn't care though; they are friends and it's ''because of'' Discord's chaotic nature that attracted her to him.
* A [[Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries certain story]] has suggested Discord may have been ''far'' [[DystopiaJustifiesTheMeans worse]] than previously thought. Thus far, neither the princesses nor the Spirits of Harmony have commented on this.
* Rumor has it that he has personally toyed with [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions Jean-Luc Picard]] on multiple occasions in the past. Picard has so far declined to comment.
** When Q himself ascended to the Pantheon, thus (perhaps) proving they're separate entities, he entered the draconequus's temple on his own terms... and did not lose his bearings on the World of Chaos. Once an evil RealityWarper, Discord has tried his best to clean up his image. He accepted Q's invitation and has dedicated himself to reform Q. By which that meant hanging out with lesser deities against their will and trying to help out, with insane results. Cosmos is wary of the pairing, but Princess Celestia has convinced her to let things be. The two coincidentally share the same voice, something that they liked even more. That makes pretending to be each other to Picard and Twilight even easier.
** Speaking of Cosmos, the first time Discord heard her name, it dredged up bad memories of [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicIDWIssue75To78 a body-stealing star-sailing monster that]] even before his reform, [[EnemyMine he was willing to work with Luna and Celestia and other leaders to take her down]] because even before his HeelFaceTurn, he drew the line at wanton murder. Of course, when he met her face-to-face, his fears were quickly unfounded. And when he was convinced one day to talk about that, many don't believe it, [[FanDislikedExplanation and for good reason]].
* Shares a highly antagonistic relationship with Chaos, [[VideoGame/DissidiaFinalFantasy the God of Discord]] due the similarities in their names and titles. Chaos thinks Discord is an immature brat, and Discord thinks Chaos is too boring and serious.
** His relationship with the Chaos from Sailor Moon's world is much worse though. He is absolutely disgusted by that creature being an OmnicidalManiac and the very fact that it describes the destruction of everything as creating a new world. He was horrified to learn of it returning in the far future as Sailor Chaos, who was so powerful Sailor Cosmos was only able to force it into an endless battle with her, which quite possibly lasts indefinitely, and it still managed to [[NearVillainVictory kill everyone and destroy everything else]]. It often mocks him for giving in to ThePowerOfFriendship, its interest in Tirek having only furthered their hatred for each other.
* The Spirit of Chaos shares a rivalry with fellow fan favorite and Spirit of Destruction, [[Pantheon/{{Toxicity}} Hexxus]]. Discord thinks of Hexxus that his "parking lots and shiny shopping malls" are too boring, Hexxus thinks Discord's methods are immature and juvenile. The tension between the two has gotten more heated, considering that the only person Discord currently calls his friend, Fluttershy, values trees and wildlife dearly.
* As a chaotic entity, he also has a ComplexityAddiction, which prevents him from solving things the simple way (like teleporting them away or something), which can easily be exploited against him.
* For all his power, as proven by Tirek and Chrysalis, his chaos magic is still ''magic'', which means it can be drained, or be nullified by an AntiMagic field. [[WingsDoNothing He can't even fly with his mismatched wings]]. That said, [[EntropyAndChaosMagic one has to know how to work his magic]] [[TooSpicyForYogSothoth to utilize it at his level]], [[spoiler:as Cozy Glow can attest to after she, Tirek, and Chrysalis drained his magic with the Bewitching Bell]].
* Upon hearing about Jack Skellington's plans for Halloween, Discord decided to pop in and have his own little fun with them. Jack, for the most part, was excited to see Discord make his plans for Halloween greater than he ever imagined and has asked Discord for his help for preparations, and asks that he brings Fluttershy to help out with some of the animals there (and to ensure that Discord doesn't go too far with the preparations).
* When it comes to dreams, while one would think Discord's still just as powerful given that his magic is powered by his imagination, those whose domain ''are'' dreams (such as Princess Luna) [[HomeFieldAdvantage actually trump over him]]. After all, he's a warper of ''Reality'', and dreams don't tend to be in the same scope.
* Alongside [[Pantheon/CausesOfMadness Kefka]], one [[Pantheon/TypesOfMechas Yayoi Ulshade]] has gotten a whammy in finding out that Discord also sounds just like [[Creator/ShigeruChiba her grandfather]]. Fortunately, thanks to Fluttershy, Discord isn't as malicious to her as Kefka is, and they're adversaries as a result.
* If Discord gets sick, he'll ask for a glass of water. And then it will escalate into [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nx_xQt_XdiM this]].
* After a certain incident inflicted on him by Lord Tirek, Discord declares he now [[HeelFaceTurn now permanently on the side of good after the things the latter did to him]]. And he further solidified it with his HeroesFrontierStep during Queen Chrysalis's takeover of Equestria.
* His followers like to play [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=xPfMb50dsOk a song]] regarding his exploits in the past, and, needless to say, [[EarWorm he finds it catchy]]. [[CoveredUp He has yet to find out about the original]].
* Several witnesses have claimed to have seen him with [[WebAnimation/PonyDotMov R-Dash 5000]] units. Discord, however, says he's behind those kinds of things, and eventually got the robot scrapped and removed from the Pantheon.
* [[Pantheon/OtherCreatures Giratina]] is utterly confused as to why [[Pantheon/{{Mentalism}} the Mob]] has compared it to Discord, and would rather not associate with him. The draconequus, on the other hand, has no comment aside from stifled laughter.
* His hatred for Lord Brevon comes from when the warlord once kidnapped Fluttershy (though she wasn't the only one he was after) and [[spoiler:mutated her into a monster]]. He was quick to storm the Dreadnought, [[spoiler:undo the changes]], and turn the warlord into a non-reproducing parasprite for a week as punishment.
* After Queen Chrysalis captured Fluttershy for her nefarious plans, Discord has flat-out stated that his anger against her is now absolutely personal.
* He's also been tasked to keep Alex Mercer in check back when they shared the same House before the virus moved to the House of Science. It's a task he takes with pride especially when '''''Fluttershy''''' has given him approval. It also concerned him a bit that there was actually something she expresses contempt for, but he's aware of Mercer's threat potential to think about it much.
* Has gotten interested in something called "Ogres and Oubliettes" and has used his reality warping powers to recreate the game in the House of Gaming. It's an amazing hit. His character is an archer by the name of "Captain Wuzz".
* Never thought of [[Pantheon/{{Popularity}} Matt Hardy]] to be a threat until the day Matt became BROKEN and [[Fanfic/TarotCrusaders sent the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Limbo]]. That got his attention, and he's now teaming up with Fluttershy and the other Equestrian gods to put an end to Matt's BROKEN schemes.
* A word of advice: it is ill-advised to NOT normalize Discord. Since his entire existence revolves around chaos, trying to make him "normal" would cause him to, as Jeff Hardy likes to quote, "Fade away and classify himself as obsolete!" Discord learned this the hard way when he tried to normalize his temple for a tea-party for him and Fluttershy, only for Fluttershy to bring his temple back to a chaotic state just before he disappeared forever. This, unfortunately, has garnered the attention of the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw, who plan to repeat this in a bid to remove him permanently.
** Then there was the time he turned himself into the Spirit of Order, Accord. He essentially became Equestria's version of ''YHVH'' and has promised to not do that ever again.
** As it turns out, [[DimensionLord his Chaosville dimension]] is the source of his powers. And with a chaotic enough mindset, [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicIDWIssue57 someone can even take over it, too, as Pinkie Pie once did]]. Measures are being made to ensure that no other Chaos-minded folks stay in there too long without him, ''especially'' the [[ChaosIsEvil really nasty types like the Joker]]. Pinkie wasn't even trying when she became the Princess of Chaos there; who knows what may happen when someone has a clear goal and intent in overthrowing him.
* Upon hearing of two wrestlers living "Gothic lifestyles" moving to the Sub-House of Vampires, Discord decided to see them and was amazed how Gangrel ended up like Discord: a chaotic person who found friendship with ponies and found himself opening up even more. It also helps that the three hate Queen Chrysalis for harming their dear pony friends.
* Someone asked if he can bring people back from the dead [[spoiler:like he did King Sombra]]. His response: "How did you know that?!" and that [[spoiler:Sombra was already a supernatural being by the time the Crystal Heart destroyed him, evading the question as a result]].
* Was asked [[StoryBreakerPower where the hell he was]] [[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyTheMovie2017 During the Storm King's invasion of Canterlot]], as he could've easily stopped it all from happening. He's evasive on answering this for some reason.
* [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS9E24TheEndingOfTheEndPart1 After his scheme to]] [[spoiler:[[BatmanGambit stage a]] FinalBattle [[EngineeredHeroics comprised of a]] LegionOfDoom [[MotivationalLie of previous villains to defeat]] [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS9E24TheEndingOfTheEndPart1 in the final season]] [[GoneHorriblyRight blew up in his face]]]], Cosmos came to him personally to plead that if he ever feels he has to do such a plot like that again, he should at the very least ''let her know about it'' first; [[spoiler:The whole Manikin mess in [[VideoGame/Dissidia012FinalFantasy the twelfth cycle]] is not something she wants so see happen again]].
** In other lighthearted matters, some in the House of Love are asking if [[spoiler:[[MaybeEverAfter he finally tied the knot with Fluttershy]]]]. He's not giving any straight answers, as per usual.
* Many gods waited for the day Discord would head into battle against Bill Cipher. Discord found no reason to let the pyramid face get under his skin...until an incident when Bill was able to coerce Spike into making a deal that caused Weirdmageddon to fall onto Equestria, turning many inhabitants into toy ponies to make a throne and the Mane 6 into banners. And Discord took it personally. The two battled across dimensions until Discord attempted to defeat Bill like how the Pines family did to him...except Bill was aware of this and had a grip on Discord's soul. Turns out ''that's not Discord's plan'', for he actually teleported them into the Nightmare Realm, laughing as Bill crushed his soul in fury. The next day, he was back at Fluttershy's temple having tea with her.
* Has a spot on Pantheon/LocationsAndSettings, under Pantheon/DimensionalAreas.


** Equestria Deities: '''[[Pantheon/NaturePreservers Fluttershy]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Costumes}} Rarity]], [[Pantheon/InternalPowerSources Twilight Sparkle]], [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Rainbow]] [[Pantheon/{{Weather}} Dash]], [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Applejack]], [[Pantheon/JoyAndHappiness Pinkie]] [[Pantheon/{{Celebration}} Pie]], [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks Spike]], [[Pantheon/FantasticalBeasts Princess Celestia and Luna]], [[Pantheon/CharacterChanges Starlight Glimmer]], [[Pantheon/ArroganceAndHubris Trixie]]
** Others: '''[[Pantheon/{{Tics}} Q]]''', [[Pantheon/MinionsAndSidekicks Rei Shingetsu/Vector]], [[Pantheon/{{Vampires}} Gangrel and Luna Vachon]], [[Pantheon/NamingIdentification Mister Mxyzptlk]], [[Pantheon/{{Felines}} Bastet]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/MagicCasters Lord Tirek]], [[Pantheon/BodilyForm Queen Chrysalis]]''' (for kidnapping Fluttershy), [[Pantheon/EyeAbilities King Sombra]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Lord Brevon]], [[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering Alex Mercer]],
[[Pantheon/ParadoxesAndTimeLoops Chaos]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles Chaos (Sailor Moon)]], '''[[Pantheon/OtherworldlyAndUnorthodoxLocations Bill Cipher]]'''
* CommonalityConnection with: [[Pantheon/MannersOfAuthority Alarak]]
* Discord used to hold a title in
the House of Pantheon/{{Villainy}} as the God of [[VileVillainSaccharineShow Disproportionately Evil Villains in Light-Hearted Shows]], but his massive power level associated to a tendency to wreak chaos led to his replacement and yet another petrification by means of the Elements of Harmony. Discord's position was taken by [[Franchise/{{Kirby}} Zero]], who Discord himself admits is much better suited for the role.
* Shortly after his second imprisonment, Princess Celestia convinced the Pantheon/CourtOfTheGods to release Discord on strict probation, claiming that Fluttershy could possibly reform his ways. Sure enough, the pegasus was able to successfully forge an odd friendship with Discord
and is currently acting his MoralityPet. The other gods still exercise extreme caution when dealing with him, as [[MoralityChain without Fluttershy Discord would likely go back to his old ways]], and many are not convinced that his reformation is not simply another trick.
** Has made frequent visits to meet up with Fluttershy in the newly formed House
of Friendship. Many of the gods there have asked Fluttershy how it would be best to approach Discord, but Fluttershy just responds, "Sometimes, we just need to be shown a little kindness." In fact, many gods are amazed to find how deep this friendship goes, to the point that Discord even found himself worried that Fluttershy would hate him for what he was: a being that thrived on chaos. Fluttershy doesn't care though; they are friends and it's ''because of'' Discord's chaotic nature that attracted her to him.
* A [[Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries certain story]] has suggested Discord may have been ''far'' [[DystopiaJustifiesTheMeans worse]] than previously thought. Thus far, neither the princesses nor the Spirits of Harmony have commented on this.
* Rumor has it that he has personally toyed with [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions Jean-Luc Picard]] on multiple occasions in the past. Picard has so far declined to comment.
** When Q himself ascended to the Pantheon, thus (perhaps) proving they're separate entities, he entered the draconequus's temple on his own terms... and did not lose his bearings on the World of Chaos. Once an evil RealityWarper, Discord has tried his best to clean up his image. He accepted Q's invitation and has dedicated himself to reform Q. By which that meant hanging out with lesser deities against their will and trying to help out, with insane results. Cosmos is wary of the pairing, but Princess Celestia has convinced her to let things be. The two coincidentally share the same voice, something that they liked even more. That makes pretending to be each other to Picard and Twilight even easier.
** Speaking of Cosmos, the first time Discord heard her name, it dredged up bad memories of [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicIDWIssue75To78 a body-stealing star-sailing monster that]] even before his reform, [[EnemyMine he was willing to work with Luna and Celestia and other leaders to take her down]] because even before his HeelFaceTurn, he drew the line at wanton murder. Of course, when he met her face-to-face, his fears were quickly unfounded. And when he was convinced one day to talk about that, many don't believe it, [[FanDislikedExplanation and for good reason]].
* Shares a highly antagonistic relationship with Chaos, [[VideoGame/DissidiaFinalFantasy the God of Discord]] due the similarities in their names and titles. Chaos thinks Discord is an immature brat, and Discord thinks Chaos is too boring and serious.
** His relationship with the Chaos from Sailor Moon's world is much worse though. He is absolutely disgusted by that creature being an OmnicidalManiac and the very fact that it describes the destruction of everything as creating a new world. He was horrified to learn of it returning in the far future as Sailor Chaos, who was so powerful Sailor Cosmos was only able to force it into an endless battle with her, which quite possibly lasts indefinitely, and it still managed to [[NearVillainVictory kill everyone and destroy everything else]]. It often mocks him for giving in to ThePowerOfFriendship, its interest in Tirek having only furthered their hatred for each other.
* The Spirit of Chaos shares a rivalry with fellow fan favorite and Spirit
of Destruction, [[Pantheon/{{Toxicity}} Hexxus]]. Discord thinks of Hexxus that his "parking lots and shiny shopping malls" are too boring, Hexxus thinks Discord's methods are immature and juvenile. The tension between the two has gotten more heated, considering that the only person Discord currently calls his friend, Fluttershy, values trees and wildlife dearly.
* As a chaotic entity, he also has a ComplexityAddiction, which prevents him from solving things the simple way (like teleporting them away or something), which can easily be exploited against him.
* For
all his power, as proven by Tirek and Chrysalis, his chaos magic is still ''magic'', which means it can be drained, or be nullified by an AntiMagic field. [[WingsDoNothing He can't even fly with his mismatched wings]]. That said, [[EntropyAndChaosMagic one has to know how to work his magic]] [[TooSpicyForYogSothoth to utilize it at his level]], [[spoiler:as Cozy Glow can attest to after she, Tirek, and Chrysalis drained his magic with the Bewitching Bell]].
* Upon hearing about Jack Skellington's plans for Halloween, Discord decided to pop
in and have his own little fun with them. Jack, for the most part, was excited to see Discord make his plans for Halloween greater than he ever imagined and has asked Discord for his help for preparations, and asks that he brings Fluttershy to help out with some of the animals there (and to ensure that Discord doesn't go too far with the preparations).
* When it comes to dreams, while one would think Discord's still just as powerful given that his magic is powered by his imagination, those whose domain ''are'' dreams (such as Princess Luna) [[HomeFieldAdvantage actually trump over him]]. After all, he's a warper of ''Reality'', and dreams don't tend to be in the same scope.
* Alongside [[Pantheon/CausesOfMadness Kefka]], one [[Pantheon/TypesOfMechas Yayoi Ulshade]] has gotten a whammy in finding out that Discord also sounds just like [[Creator/ShigeruChiba her grandfather]]. Fortunately, thanks to Fluttershy, Discord isn't as malicious to her as Kefka is, and they're adversaries as a result.
* If Discord gets sick, he'll ask for a glass of water. And then it will escalate into [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nx_xQt_XdiM this]].
* After a certain incident inflicted on him by
Lord Tirek, Discord declares he now [[HeelFaceTurn now permanently on the side of good after the things the latter did to him]]. And he further solidified it with his HeroesFrontierStep during Queen Chrysalis's takeover of Equestria.
* His followers like to play [[https://youtube.com/watch?v=xPfMb50dsOk a song]] regarding his exploits in the past, and, needless to say, [[EarWorm he finds it catchy]]. [[CoveredUp He has yet to find out about the original]].
* Several witnesses have claimed to have seen him with [[WebAnimation/PonyDotMov R-Dash 5000]] units. Discord, however, says he's behind those kinds of things, and eventually got the robot scrapped and removed from the Pantheon.
* [[Pantheon/OtherCreatures Giratina]] is utterly confused as to why [[Pantheon/{{Mentalism}} the Mob]] has compared it to Discord, and would rather not associate with him. The draconequus, on the other hand, has no comment aside from stifled laughter.
* His hatred for Lord Brevon comes from when the warlord once kidnapped Fluttershy (though she wasn't the only one he was after) and [[spoiler:mutated her into a monster]]. He was quick to storm the Dreadnought, [[spoiler:undo the changes]], and turn the warlord into a non-reproducing parasprite for a week as punishment.
* After Queen Chrysalis captured Fluttershy for her nefarious plans, Discord has flat-out stated that his anger against her is now absolutely personal.
* He's also been tasked to keep Alex Mercer in check back when they shared the same House before the virus moved to the House of Science. It's a task he takes with pride especially when '''''Fluttershy''''' has given him approval. It also concerned him a bit that there was actually something she expresses contempt for, but he's aware of Mercer's threat potential to think about it much.
* Has gotten interested in something called "Ogres and Oubliettes" and has used his reality warping powers to recreate the game in the House of Gaming. It's an amazing hit. His character is an archer by the name of "Captain Wuzz".
* Never thought of [[Pantheon/{{Popularity}} Matt Hardy]] to be a threat until the day Matt became BROKEN and [[Fanfic/TarotCrusaders sent the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Limbo]]. That got his attention, and he's now teaming up with Fluttershy and the other Equestrian gods to put an end to Matt's BROKEN schemes.
* A word of advice: it is ill-advised to NOT normalize Discord. Since his entire existence revolves around chaos,
trying to make him "normal" would cause him to, as Jeff Hardy likes to quote, "Fade away and classify himself as obsolete!" Discord learned this the hard way when he tried to normalize his temple for a tea-party for him and Fluttershy, only for Fluttershy to bring his temple back to a chaotic state just before he disappeared forever. This, unfortunately, has garnered the attention of the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw, who plan to repeat this in a bid to remove him permanently.
** Then there was the time he turned himself into the Spirit of Order, Accord. He essentially became Equestria's version of ''YHVH'' and has promised to not do
that ever again.
** As it turns out, [[DimensionLord his Chaosville dimension]] is the source of his powers. And with a chaotic enough mindset, [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicIDWIssue57 someone can even take over it, too, as Pinkie Pie once did]]. Measures are being made to ensure
that no other Chaos-minded folks stay in there too long without him, ''especially'' the [[ChaosIsEvil really nasty types like the Joker]]. Pinkie wasn't even trying when she became the Princess of Chaos there; who knows what may happen when someone has a clear goal and intent in overthrowing him.
* Upon hearing of two wrestlers living "Gothic lifestyles" moving to the Sub-House of Vampires, Discord decided to see them and was amazed how Gangrel ended up like Discord: a chaotic person who found friendship with ponies and
found himself opening up even more. It also helps that the three hate Queen Chrysalis for harming their dear pony friends.
* Someone asked if he can bring people back from the dead [[spoiler:like he did King Sombra]]. His response: "How did you know that?!" and that [[spoiler:Sombra
was already a supernatural being by the time the Crystal Heart destroyed him, evading the question as a result]].
* Was asked [[StoryBreakerPower
where the hell he was]] [[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyTheMovie2017 During the Storm King's invasion of Canterlot]], as he could've easily stopped it all from happening. He's evasive on answering this for some reason.
* [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS9E24TheEndingOfTheEndPart1 After
his scheme to]] [[spoiler:[[BatmanGambit stage a]] FinalBattle [[EngineeredHeroics comprised of a]] LegionOfDoom [[MotivationalLie of previous villains to defeat]] [[Recap/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagicS9E24TheEndingOfTheEndPart1 in the final season]] [[GoneHorriblyRight blew up in his face]]]], Cosmos came to him personally to plead that if he ever feels he has to do such a plot like that again, he should at the very least ''let her know about it'' first; [[spoiler:The whole Manikin mess in [[VideoGame/Dissidia012FinalFantasy the twelfth cycle]] is not something she wants so see happen again]].
** In other lighthearted matters, some in
the House of Love are asking if [[spoiler:[[MaybeEverAfter he finally tied the knot with Fluttershy]]]]. He's not giving any straight answers, as per usual.
* Many gods waited for the day Discord would head into battle against Bill Cipher. Discord found no reason to let the pyramid face get under his skin...until an incident when Bill was
able to coerce Spike into making a deal that caused Weirdmageddon to fall onto Equestria, turning many inhabitants into toy ponies to make a throne and the Mane 6 into banners. And Discord took it personally. The two battled across dimensions until Discord attempted to defeat Bill like how the Pines family did to him...except Bill was aware of this and had a grip on Discord's soul. Turns out ''that's not Discord's plan'', for he actually teleported them into the Nightmare Realm, laughing as Bill crushed his soul in fury. The next day, he was back at Fluttershy's temple having tea with her.
* Has
a spot on Pantheon/LocationsAndSettings, under Pantheon/DimensionalAreas.

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History for Pantheon/OrderAndChaos - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.