How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs (2024)

Growing a Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is almost like having a little green pet, complete with hungry bifold jaws with spiky fringed "teeth." And when an insect lands on that enticing pink center and the trap closes around the victim, that's completely out of this world! In order to grow a Venus flytrap, you need to provide it different care than other houseplants you're probably used to growing, but these tips will help guide you through its requirements to thrive.

Venus Flytrap Overview

Genus NameDionaea
Common NameVenus Flytrap
Plant TypeHouseplant, Perennial
LightPart Sun, Sun
Height1 to 5 inches
Width3 to 5 inches
Flower ColorWhite
Foliage ColorBlue/Green, Purple/Burgundy
Special FeaturesGood for Containers
Zones10, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
PropagationDivision, Leaf Cuttings, Seed

Where to Grow Venus Flytrap

Instead of originating one planet away from Earth, Venus flytraps are perennials native to boggy areas of coastal North and South Carolina. They grow in moist, acidic soilsin full sun, but most varieties survive winteroutdoors only in Zones 8-10. Although some varieties can live in colder zones with protection, most gardeners grow them as houseplants that summer outdoors and winter indoors. Gardeners in cold winter climates should grow Venus flytraps in a moist environment,such as an open terrarium, that can go indoors during winter.

How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs (1)

Venus Flytrap Care Tips


Venus flytraps do best in at least six hours of bright sunlight per day. When they are grown inside under artificial lights, keep flytraps 4 to 7 inches away from fluorescent lights. If your plant's traps don't show a pink interior (depending on variety) or the leaves look long and spindly, provide more light.

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Soil and Water

Venus flytrap thrives in poor, acidic soil that stays damp but still has good drainage. Avoid using regular potting soil, some of which may have added fertilizers. A blend of one-third perlite (or sand) and two-thirds sphagnum peat moss provides the best drainage and moisture retention.

Keep the soil constantly moist. One way to do this is to place the flytrap pot in a saucer or tray of water about an inch deep. Never give your plants what comes out of your tap; it's usually too alkaline or might have too many minerals. Instead, rely on rainwater or use distilled water.

Temperature and Humidity

Venus flytrap prefers a temperature of 70°F-95°F, although some varieties can survive 40°F in the winter with protection. For the best Venus flytrap care,keep the environment humid. Good air circulation is also important when growing Venus flytrap plants, so turn on a fan in the room where you keep them.


Never add fertilizer, and don't add lime to the soil of Venus flytrap plants. These plants get the nutrients they need from their prey.

How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs (2)

What to Feed a Venus Flytrap

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytraps indoors, you'll have to feed them small bugs such as flies and beetles periodically. When you're feeding a flytrap, don't give it any insects larger than a third of the size of the trap. Otherwise, the trap won't be able to fully close and begin digesting the food.

It doesn't matter if the bug is alive or not, but the trap needs to be triggered by movement before it will close. For dead prey, after placing the bug in an open trap, gently touch a small paintbrush to the inside of the trap until you see the trap start to close. Only trigger traps to close when there is food for the plant. Playing with the traps just to make them close wastes the plant's energy, which can lead to its decline.

Don't feed a Venus flytrap any meat, including chicken, steak, sausage, or hot dogs. Also, refrain from offering fruit or candy.

Potting and Repotting Venus Flytrap

When you receive a Venus flytrap, pot it in a small, deep pot using a recommended potting medium, such as one-third perlite and two-thirds peat moss. The depth of the pot encourages root growth, as does tray watering, so choose a minimum of a 4-inch-deep pot that has a drainage hole and a tray. Deeper is even better.

As for width of the pot for a Venus flytrap, the more soil around the roots, the better the insulation, so in cold areas, a wider pot is preferable. How wide? A single Venus flytrap usually grows comfortably in a 5-inch wide pot. When the plant becomes crowded—or annually, even if it doesn't become crowded—repot it using fresh potting medium.

Pests and Problems

Venus flytraps aren't bothered by many pests but might attract aphids, spider mites, or fungus gnats. If the plant has aphids, submerge it in water (distilled, not tap!) for two days. Wait a week and repeat the process. If the plant has a severe aphid infestation, apply an insecticidal soap or neem oil, which is also effective against spider mites.

In the case of fungus gnats, the larvae cause the problem. Control them by drenching the soil with Bacillus thuringiensis (BT). To prevent attracting them, keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy.

At times, the Venus flytrap leaves and traps turn black or burnt-looking, causing new owners to be alarmed. The plant is likely entering its dormant period, at which point the foliage dies only to emerge refreshed months later. However, an unhealthy Venus flytrap can display black leaves or traps due to other reasons: low humidity, letting the plant dry out too often, and root rot among them. In these cases, correct the problem and trim the black leaves and traps from the plant; they can't be saved.

How to Propagate Venus Flytrap

You can propagate Venus flytrap by division, leaf cuttings, or seeds. Most people choose division or leaf cuttings to propagate their Venus flytraps. Propagating from seed is possible but complicated.

The best time for division is late winter to spring. Remove the plant from the container and use a sharp knife to cut it into two or more sections. Each division must contain a portion of the root system. Repot the divisions immediately in individual pots filled with a perlite/peat moss mix.

Propagate from leaf cuttings in early summer by pulling out and down to remove an entire leaf. It must have a tiny bit of rhizome at the end to be useful for propagation. Insert the leaf (or several) into a small pot filled with well-draining potting medium. Put the pot in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out. As a leaf turns black, trim it off. About six months later, a tiny but recognizable Venus flytrap will appear. If several leaves were planted in a pot, separate them at this point.

Types of Venus Flytraps

Plant breeders have been working with Venus flytraps and have come out with new varieties, including a few with large burgundy-red traps. These unusual varieties, along with familiar favorites, are available from specialty garden centers or online retailers. Popular varieties of Venus flytrap include:

  • 'Red Dragon': The leaves and traps of Dionaea muscipula 'Red Dragon', also known as Dionaea muscipula 'Adai Ryu', turn dark red in full sunlight. During winter dormancy, 'Red Dragon' drops all its leaves but soon bounces back. This striking beauty grows to 4 inches tall and requires minimal protection outdoors in Zones 7-9. In colder regions, mulch the plant or grow it indoors as a houseplant.
  • 'King Henry': An excellent starter plant for newcomers to carnivorous plants, Dionaea muscipula 'King Henry' is large, fast-growing, and hardy in Zones 5–9 (with protection in colder areas). It has green leaves and large traps with red interiors. This flytrap grows up to 5 inches tall.
  • 'Gremlin': Dionaea muscipula ‘Gremlin’ is a charming all-green flytrap that isn't as tall as some at first but makes up for its size with a huge amount of traps. It forms dense clumps and spreads rapidly over a short period. The traps increase in size as the growth points age—some up to 1 inch long. It is rumored to spread to fill a 12-inch bowl within a year.
  • 'Big Mouth': As the name implies, Dionaea muscipula ‘Big Mouth’ produces large red-mouthed traps fringed in green that hug the ground rather than grow on upright stems. It grows to 3–5 inches. This flytrap is hardy in Zones 6-9, with protection in colder areas.
  • 'B52': The bright-red traps of Dionaea muscipula 'B52' are massive and reach 1.5 to 2 inches in length. 'B52' tends to clump, and it reaches 3-5 inches tall, so the traps look like they are almost sitting on the ground. 'B52' is hardy in Zones 6-9, with protection in colder areas.

Many types of carnivorous plants, including the Venus flytrap, are federally endangered or threatened because of habitat loss and overcollection. Make sure to purchase your plants from a reputable source that doesn't collect from wild populations.

How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs (3)

Winter Dormancy for Venus Flytraps

Like many other plants, Venus flytraps need a period of winter dormancy when they appear to be dead (the leaves may die back) but are merely resting. Keep the plant at 35°F to 50°F during this time. Don't let terrariums freeze, or the plants may die, and the glass may break. At about the spring equinox, when days start growing longer, begin to increase warmth and light.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long do Venus flytraps live?

    Venus flytrap plants can live for about 20 years under optimum conditions, but they must be allowed to go dormant each year to live that long. Plants that live outside go dormant without any help, but plants grown indoors exclusively need to be "forced" to go dormant by moving them to a cold area of the house or even a refrigerator for about three months.

  • Does letting the Venus flytrap flower harm it?

    Producing a flower takes a lot of energy. That's no problem for a mature Venus flytrap. It can happily flower on and off during the year. However, young plants don't handle the energy drain as well as mature plants. Cut the flowers from young plants as soon as you see them forming for the first year or two. The flowers don't attract insects, so they are purely ornamental. Removing them does no harm.

  • Can a Venus flytrap hurt me?

    A Venus flytrap isn't strong enough to "bite" you with any power. If you stick your finger in the plant, it is more likely to be damaged than you are.

How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs (2024)


How to Grow a Venus Flytrap—Without Feeding it Dead Bugs? ›

Although flytraps are carnivorous

Carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients from trapping and consuming animals or protozoans, typically insects and other arthropods, and occasionally small mammals and birds. › wiki › Carnivorous_plant
, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally.

What can I feed my Venus flytrap if I don't have bugs? ›

Feeding your Venus flytrap dried blood worms: You can buy dried blood worms for your plant from your local pet store. Reconstituted dried worms, available as a fish food, are a reliable and easy to obtain food for your plant.

Should I remove dead insects from Venus flytrap? ›

What should you do? In the best possible scenario, you would remove the dead bug on the same day the leaf opened. The still-moist bug usually comes out quite easily, and the plant may not close (the best time to do this is when the leaf has not quite opened to its co*cked and ready stage).

What to do if your Venus flytrap is not eating? ›

Your plant may be tired and stressed on arrival and may not want to eat right away. Give the plant time to adjust and plenty of light and it will be back to normal in no time. Not eating in the future is also an indication that they are not getting enough light.

Can a Venus flytrap live without eating bugs? ›

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go for long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytraps indoors, you'll have to feed them small bugs such as flies and beetles periodically.

What human food can I feed my Venus flytrap? ›

But if you keep your Venus flytrap indoors - or just really want to feed your plant yourself - then there are 5 important things to bear in mind: Don't give your plant anything it wouldn't catch naturally. That means no chocolate, chicken, or other human food. Bugs only!

Why is my Venus flytrap turning black? ›

Venus flytraps like full sun; growing them in a gloomy position will cause traps to turn black more frequently. Are you using appropriate soil? Like most carnivorous plants, Venus flytraps need a nutrient-poor soil. Normal potting compost or anything with fertilizer will hurt your plant!

Why do I keep killing my Venus flytrap? ›

A: As I said earlier, I think the most common cause for Venus flytrap death in horticulture is inadequate lighting. If you are providing your plant with enough light (but I really doubt you are), make sure you are using a good soil mix like 50:50 peat:sand (and not garden soil!) and only purified water.

How many times can a Venus flytrap eat before it dies? ›

Feeding every 2-4 weeks is generally sufficient. Answer: Each trap on a Venus flytrap can close and reopen around 3 to 4 times before it naturally dies off.

Should I cut off dying Venus flytrap? ›

Pruning Venus flytraps

'Cut any dead or dying leaves or traps down to the base. ' Additionally, Hall notes that neglecting to remove old growth can potentially cause issues. 'Dead foliage can attract fungal infections, so it's best to remove dieback as soon as it becomes a dark brown or black color,' he says.

Is it bad to trigger a Venus flytrap? ›

You can hurt the Venus flytrap by triggering it to close, though. Closing takes a lot of energy that the plant needs to put toward growing. The traps can only close a few times before the leaf dies, so false alarms can kill that leaf.

How hard is it to keep a Venus flytrap alive? ›

In many respects, flytraps should be easy. They don't require fertilizing. They can survive under full sun or fluorescent lights. Unlike so many other houseplants, they can sit in a half-inch of standing water without fear of roots rotting.

What else can Venus flytraps eat? ›

The Venus flytrap gets some of its nutrients from the soil, but to supplement its diet, the plant eats insects and arachnids. Ants, beetles, grasshoppers, flying insects, and spiders are all victims of the flytrap. It can take a Venus flytrap three to five days to digest an organism, and it may go months between meals.

Can Venus flytraps eat fruit? ›

This carnivorous plant can survive several months without the necessary nutrients provided by digesting prey. However, deprived of all prey, the Venus Fly Trap will eventually die back. Can Venus flytraps eat fruit instead of bugs? Sugars contained in fruit will likely cause your Venus flytrap to rot.

Can Venus flytraps eat fish flakes? ›

Venus flytraps are some of the most fun carnivorous plants to feed! Using tweezers, gently brush a bug, damp fish food, or bloodworms against the trigger hairs inside one of the traps. The trap will snap shut after a couple of strokes, getting a mouthful of food.

How do you feed a Venus flytrap at home? ›

Venus fly traps do not need fertilising. Instead, feed fortnightly with live insects. Simply catch an insect such as a fly and then gently lower it into one of the traps, using tweezers. As soon as the fly comes into contact with the fine hairs in the trap, the trap will close.

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