Sharp and Vivid Existence - Chapter 1 - Feron_Miles (2024)

Chapter Text

COUPRIS 40 — Only three minutes have passed since you left the pier. The engine of the motor carriage comes to a stop in front of the familiar building of the Whirling-in-Rags. In your tired haze you can barely make out the letters on the neon sign.

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Heroic: Success] — Wait, is the sign brighter tonight? The reds seem to really *pop*.

LOGIC [Easy: Success] — Theoretically, Garte could have got the tubes replaced with new ones during the two days you were out. This is the first time you are seeing it at night after the mercenary tribunal, after all.

YOU — Wow, really?

LOGIC — …Actually, no. That theory doesn’t make much sense. Some spots remain dimmed just as you remember. Maybe being around the phasmid has somehow heightened your visual senses? I don’t know, I need time to process the development of our understanding of reality.

THE ‘WHIRLING-IN-RAGS’ CAFETERIA SIGN — The sign ignores your musings on its brightness. But it *is* different, just something about it, you can tell.

KIM KITSURAGI — To your left, lieutenant Kitsuragi shifts in his seat. As you glance at him, you hear a distinct click of his seat belt unlocking. He lets out a sigh.

EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] — He is tired.

KIM KITSURAGI — “Satellite-Officer Vicquemare, I think it would be wise if you and the others went ahead without us.”

JEAN VICQUEMARE — “Hm?” To your right, the satellite-officer jumps back to reality at being addressed. He must have been lost in thought. He whips around to address the lieutenant.

EMPATHY — He seems tired too.

LOGIC — It is 22:00 and you're still in Martinaise, everyone is tired. Judit was hinting at as much by the end of your conversation at the fishing village.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — “Lieutenant Kitsuragi? I’m afraid we need the lieutenant-yefreitor at the precinct *now*.” He throws you a look. Suddenly, you feel awkward sitting right in between them.

AUTHORITY — The middle seat is for the weakest of the weak. You’ve let yourself go.

YOU — “Wait, but does it have to be right now? I mean, I’m so tired already!”

JEAN VICQUEMARE — The man glares at you with such intensity your jaw snaps shut on its own.

KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant ignores your intrusion. “Naturally. I am merely suggesting that it might take some time for Lieutenant Du Bois and me to pack all of our remaining things in the hostel. It’s better if you three go now and ask for assistance with the suspect right away. While I don’t think that Mr. Dros is at a big risk currently, it’s best not to leave him alone for too long. Once we’re done gathering up our belongings, we will join you at the station and get our injuries looked at.”

He pauses, contemplating his next words.

“We will also stop by the cryptozoologists’ house on Tabernacle Road to deliver the news. Very briefly.” He gives you a knowing look.

RHETORIC [Easy: Success] — Extremely briefly, he means. If you ask either of them about any more cryptids, he will immediately drag you off to his carriage.


1. Could I persuade him to change his mind?

2. Yeah, that seems reasonable, actually.

3. “Oh my God, we’ll get to know about even more cryptids!”

RHETORIC — From the way he said it, not likely.

SUGGESTION [Medium: Failure] — Yeah, no. Give up right now.

TRANT HEIDELSTAM — “Sounds like a good plan to me!” The man pipes up from the driver’s seat.

JUDIT MINOT — Patrol Officer Minot nods.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — He sighs. He has almost no energy left in him for smart-ass commentary. “Okay, sure. Don’t f*cking lose your badge or your head, or — whatever out there, got it?”

He wants you to know that he is not, in any capacity, a fan of whatever it is you do at any point in your life.


1. Does he hate me?

2. I hate him.

3. I like him!

4. I have literally no strong feelings about him.

5. “Sure. Bye.” (Exit the car).

EMPATHY [Godly: Failure] — Hard to tell. Maybe just ask him?

LOGIC [Medium: Success] — No, do not.


1. Does he hate me?

2. “Jean, do you hate me?”

3. I hate him.

4. I like him!

5. I have literally no strong feelings about him.

6. “Sure. Bye.” (Exit the car).

EMPATHY — Likely for the best.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — He stares at you with narrowed eyes. Three seconds have passed.


1. Does he hate me?

2. “Jean, do you hate me?”

3. I hate him.

4. I like him!

5. I have literally no strong feelings about him.

6. “Sure. Bye.” (Exit the car).

You fumble with the seatbelt while Kim opens the door on his side and steps out.

JUDIT MINOT — “See you soon, Harry.” She flashes you a smile. There is worry underneath, a part of her doesn’t want to let you out of her sights.

ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] — He has Lieutenant Kitsuragi with him, she thinks. He’ll be fine.

TRANT HEIDELSTAM — The special consultant waves at you.

YOU — Your foot catches on a step on the way out and you nearly fall, narrowly caught by Kim. His hand rests on your shoulder, steadying you.

PAIN THRESHOLD [Legendary: Failure] — Pain shoots up your leg, sharp and devastating. You have to catch your breath. f*ck, running around the whole day and treading through the mud and the reeds was a terrible idea. Why would you do that, Harry?


JEAN VICQUEMARE — As soon as you’re out, officer Vicquemare leans across the back seat and slams the door shut, murmuring under his breath.

PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Formidable: Success] — “Can’t do anything, can he?”

KIM KITSURAGI — “Detective, are you okay?” The lieutenant withdraws his hand.


1. “f*cking OUCH, Kim.”

2. “I think I’m dying, Kim.”

3. “Kim, those guys suck, we should slip away while we can.”

4. “None of us are alright! The equivalent of the oxygen holocaust is bound to happen sooner than later, Kim, we have to act! We have to contact someone!”

YOU — The end of your sentence is swallowed up by a yawn.

KIM KITSURAGI — “They are your colleagues, Harry. Besides, they’re right, you need to go to the lazaret at your station.” He shrugs, starting towards the cafeteria.

PAIN THRESHOLD — Wait! Don't let him go! You are in no position to walk right now!

HALF LIGHT — He’s leaving you behind. Quick, run away while he’s not looking. He doesn’t care.

ENDURANCE — No, you can take it.

VOLITION — It’s okay. Just ask to lean on him as you walk. He won’t mind.


1. [VOLITION: Legendary] Ask Kim to help you with walking.

2. [PAIN THRESHOLD: Challenging] Just take it. Limp after him.

3. [HALF LIGHT: Impossible] Run!

4. Stay in place.


VOLITION [Legendary: Failure] — Oh no, you’re too embarrassed, aren’t you?

YOU — Half-words escape your mouth before dying in the wind. What’s wrong with you?

KIM KITSURAGI — He turns to face you, raising his eyebrow. “Is something wrong?”

YOU — “Nope, nothing! Don’t worry!” You try to smile, but it comes out pained.

KIM KITSURAGI — “Are you okay to walk?” There’s concern in his voice, like on the island after you woke up from that dream. You *have* been bleeding, and you’ve been on your feet since the early morning.

INLAND EMPIRE — That dream…

KIM KITSURAGI — “Khm, do you need assistance?”

YOU — Do I have any points?

ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Nope. Spent them all on me before approaching that bug, baby.

YOU — Ugh.

1. [VOLITION: Legendary] Ask Kim to help you with walking. (Locked)

2. [PAIN THRESHOLD: Challenging] Just take it. Limp after him.

3. [HALF LIGHT: Impossible] Run!

4. Stay in place.

COUPRIS 40 — Behind you, the MC pulls out of the driveway. Off they go. It’s just the two of you now.

YOU — You divert your gaze downwards. The message in fuel-oil glimmers in the neon light.


CONCEPTUALISATION [Medium: Success] — Girl Child Communism. Girl Child Revolution.

KIM KITSURAGI — You feel the lieutenant eyeing you cautiously. Wordlessly, he takes a step towards you and swings his arm across your back to support you. “Okay. Let’s get our stuff.”


TABERNACLE ROAD — You exit the building with Kim guiding you by the elbow. Regardless of his previous words, he did let you get a bit of chit-chat in with the old couple. They were overjoyed, and it seems that some of their euphoria has rubbed off on him.

EMPATHY [Medium: Success] — Make no mistake, he’s been euphoric ever since he saw the phasmid emerge from the reeds. Maybe even since you arrived on the islet. Something about that place was…

INLAND EMPIRE [Formidable: Success] — Unnatural.

EMPATHY — …new to him. He’s maintaining his professional exterior, but you can tell he’s elated on the inside. Your conversation with Lena and Morell caused his façade to briefly falter.

TABERNACLE ROAD — The light reflecting off of the Coupris Kineema fills you with glee. Inside of it, in the cage, rests the lieutenant’s bag, containing some spare clothes and a medkit full of standard supplies and various medicine he bought to patch you up after the tribunal. He did not have much things to pick up from the Whirling.

You had even less, though. Just the pair of jeans you’d been shot in and had to be cut out of. The rest of the sizeable collection of items you’d acquired over the week has been on you the entire day.

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Challenging: Success] — The whole world around you feels brighter. You don’t know how, considering the sun has long since set and it’s dark out, but it’s radiant.

YOU — Maybe I should ask Gottlieb about it. What if I got, like, brain damage that makes colours seem brighter all of a sudden? Is that a known medical issue?

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] — While some medical conditions, such as migraines, can affect the way colours are perceived, it is more likely that what you’re experiencing is the result of a particularly positive emotional state. Your brain processes visual information differently depending on your mood.

INLAND EMPIRE — Or it’s the pheromones.



1. “Kim, I think the phasmid is making the world brighter.”

2. “Kim, am I about to have a migraine?”

3. “Kim, I think my emotional state is happy.”

4. Don’t mention it.

KIM KITSURAGI — He nods, his mouth slightly twitching. “Hm? That's good. I will admit, I’m also not upset that we stopped by.” He pauses to look back at the tenement. “Alright. We should really get to your station now, detective.”

TABERNACLE ROAD — You wave the radiant street goodbye as you sit down in the passenger's seat of the lieutenant’s Coupris Kineema.

KIM KITSURAGI — He is quick to follow, settling in place and cleaning his glasses. In this lighting, the bruising in his face is clearly prominent. DePaule certainly did a number on him.

REACTION SPEED [Easy: Success] — Wait, should he even be driving? He has a concussion!

LOGIC [Medium: Success] — He already drove 20 minutes from Martinaise to here. He is probably fine.


1. “Kim, you can’t be driving! You have a whole-ass concussion!”

2. “Can you be driving? You have a concussion.”

3. [SUGGESTION: Heroic] “Can I drive?”

KIM KITSURAGI — He rolls his eyes.

DRAMA — An excellent performance! You’ve never seen him project exaggerated annoyance more eloquently, sire!

ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] — He is usually not one for rolling his eyes. It seems unnecessary to him.

EMPATHY — He looks vaguely amused.

KIM KITSURAGI — “It is minor. I am more than capable of driving in my condition.” The lieutenant starts the engine. “Precinct 41 is about ten minutes from here. You shouldn't spontaneously bleed out to death during that time, right?”

RHETORIC — An attempt at humour.

YOU — You chuckle. “Hah! Yeah, that should be alright…”

KIM KITSURAGI — He smirks, before turning his eyes to the road. Your laughter was appreciated.

SHIVERS — Something is bugging you.

YOU — “Why did Jean say that they needed me at the precinct *now*, though? He really emphasised it.”

COUPRIS KINEEMA — The MC starts down the road with a roar, drowning out all other sound for a few seconds.

KIM KITSURAGI — He hums to himself, keeping his eyes focused on what's in front. “Khm…”

ESPRIT DE CORPS — This really isn't my specialty, he thinks. I shouldn't get involved.

KIM KITSURAGI — “I believe they're expecting some sort of confrontation.”

YOU — What?!

LOGIC [Medium: Failure] — Did you see how Jean has been acting? He is probably planning to fight you to the death once you’ve reached the precinct, likely with the assistance of other C-Wing officers — they do not like you. To teach you a final lesson of how not to be a cop, so to speak.

HALF LIGHT — f*ck! And Kim is driving you right to your execution?! You have to run. Open the door RIGHT NOW!

VOLITION [Easy: Failure] — It is… possible, but…


1. [COMPOSURE: Formidable] Ask Kim what he means. You know, like a normal person.

2. [HALF-LIGHT: Legendary] Escape the car.

3. [AUTHORITY: Heroic] Get Kim to turn the car around.

4. Cry.


COMPOSURE [Formidable: Success] — You swallow the panic that came onto you out of nowhere. When you speak, it’s almost like you were not desperately losing it a second ago.

YOU — “What… what do you mean, ‘confrontation’?”

VOLITION — Seriously, what's up with the random panic today? We should get that fixed.

ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Oh, that dream really rattled you, huh? Don’t worry, I have a few ways to calm down in mind, Harry.

VOLITION — Oh, for god’s sake.

KIM KITSURAGI — He shrugs. “It’s probably nothing too bad. If anything does happen, though, I’ll try my best to be by your side.”


RHETORIC — The way he says it, he thinks you already know what this is about and that you’re just nervous because you don't want it to happen.

HALF LIGHT — Yes, we’re going to f*cking die!

LOGIC [Trivial: Success] — No, my bad. On second thought, you’re definitely not getting jumped by police officers at your station.

PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT — Too bad. You would have shown them all what your body is capable of.


1. [ESPRIT DE CORPS: Challenging] Okay, but what is this about then?

2. Let it go.


ESPRIT DE CORPS [Challenging: Success] — Five kilometres away, two officers of the RCM and one civilian consultant wait antsily on uncomfortable chairs inside a repurposed silk mill. A small team of medics and officers has been dispatched to a small islet north of the coast in Martinaise. The man wearing his perseus black uniform swears as a lit cigarette falls from his fingers onto the floor.

“Oh, f*ck’s sake— I just know this is his fault,” he mutters.

“Jean.” Patrol Officer Minot gives him a stern look. “It’s no one’s fault. You just dropped your cigarette. And you shouldn’t be smoking indoors.”

“Jude, you’ve seen firsthand how batsh*t insane he is right now. I’m praying to god his f*cking sorry-ass antics only embarrass *him*. God damn it, we have to be here for f*ck knows how long instead of going home.”

Special consultant Trant Heidelstam takes a sip of coffee. “Captain Pryce is a reasonable person, there’s no need to worry,” he chimes in. “And he *did* solve the crime and discover a new species.”

Satellite-Officer Vicquemare puts his head in his hands.

Officer Minot sighs. “No one is forcing us to stay, Jean. You know that.”

The man scoffs. “Yeah, like I would just f*cking leave now.”

COUPRIS KINEEMA — The motor carriage is speeding through the roads: few vehicles are out at this hour. Your cheek is pressed against the window, eyes half closed. The vision fades.

YOU — And… what does this mean?

ESPRIT DE CORPS — The captain requires your presence.

YOU — Wait, now?!

VOLITION — It’ll be fine. Kim said he’d be by your side. Whatever questions the captain might have, the lieutenant will be there to defend you to the best of his abilities.

AUTHORITY — *He* will defend you? You don’t need defending: you are his superior.

VOLITION — Come on. We like Kim.

YOU — “Kim, I think the captain wants to speak to me.”

KIM KITSURAGI — You see him nod in the window’s reflection. “Yes, that is possible.” He adjusts his grip on the steering wheel.

EMPATHY [Medium: Success] — He is not thrilled at the prospect of meeting Captain Pryce for the first time under such circ*mstances.

KIM KITSURAGI — “But as I said, I don’t think it will be too bad. You are a valuable asset to the station, Harry.”

DRAMA [Medium: Success] — ‘Tis no lie.

YOU — You smile to yourself. In the reflection, you see Kim smile back.

1. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Martinaise?”

2. “I can’t believe the phasmid is real.”

3. “Are you serious about that transfer?”

4. “Are you excited to meet the captain?”

5. Silently watch the scenery outside flash by. (Proceed.)

KIM KITSURAGI — His reflection’s brow briefly furrows in thought. “I don’t know. It’s not the most exciting place. Nor the safest.”

YOU — “So you don’t want to?”

KIM KITSURAGI — He’s silent.


1. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Martinaise?”

2. “I can’t believe the phasmid is real.”

3. “Are you serious about that transfer?”

4. “Are you excited to meet the captain?”

5. Silently watch the scenery outside flash by. (Proceed.)

KIM KITSURAGI — “It is! I’m so glad I got that photograph.” There is sudden emotion in his voice. “I must say, detective, I ought to thank you for your unwillingness to listen to me when it came to our cryptid hunt. Seems you knew what you were doing after all.”


1. “Boom. Told you. I’m a f*cking super detective. It’s all connected.”

2. “You had your reasons for doubt. I’m sorry I made you run so much, by the way. You were really tired by the end there, weren’t you…”

3. “No big deal. We have both been wrong a few times during the course of the investigation.”

4. “Yeah, it’s cool and all, but we are literally going to go extinct in under three decades because we think too much.”

KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant snorts. “Yes, it would appear so. How silly of me to doubt you.”

His reflection is smiling now. Barely, but it’s there. The corner of his mouth is distinctly curved upward.


1. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Martinaise?”

2. “I can’t believe the phasmid is real.”

3. “Are you serious about that transfer?”

4. “Are you excited to meet the captain?”

5. Silently watch the scenery outside flash by. (Proceed.)

KIM KITSURAGI — “We still don’t know for sure if he plans on speaking to you tonight, but…”

YOU — “No, we do.”

KIM KITSURAGI — “Really? How?”


1. “I just have this hunch.”

2. “I overheard Judit whispering to Trant about it. Secretively.”

3. “Captain Pryce told me himself, actually.”

4. “My copogeist showed me.”

KIM KITSURAGI — “Your… I see.” He knows better than to question you. “I would have preferred to meet him when I’m less ‘recovering from a violent mercenary tribunal with a concussion and dozens of bruises on my face’, but as it stands, he is a legendary man regardless. You don’t get an opportunity like that every day. I suppose I am excited.”


1. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Martinaise?”

2. “I can’t believe the phasmid is real.”

3. “Are you serious about that transfer?”

4. “Are you excited to meet the captain?”

5. Silently watch the scenery outside flash by. (Proceed.)

KIM KITSURAGI — “Hm? Ah, yes. Why wouldn’t I be? Unless you changed your mind?”

ESPRIT DE CORPS — He doesn’t think you’ve changed your mind.

YOU — “I have not changed my mind.”

KIM KITSURAGI — “Good. Then neither have I.” He pauses. “Thank you, by the way. I realise you probably don’t know the specifics of how all of this works, or what it means exactly… But I wasn’t expecting it, and I’m grateful. Obviously, the decision doesn’t come down to just you and me, but it’s something.”

EMPATHY — This is something you can ask more about later. There’s more behind his words he isn’t telling you, but not because he doesn’t want to. It just isn’t the time yet.

CONCEPTUALISATION — You can picture it: you and Kim solving more cases together, side by side, working in perfect harmony. Another field autopsy, another interview, another clue, another revelation. Sitting at your desks, opposite each other, discussing the files, writing reports, cracking jokes. He leaves to get coffee for both of you. You lean back in your chair, words dancing in front of your eyes. Enough reports, you think, I want to have fun! Lieutenant Kitsuragi comes back and reprimands you for slacking off. You get back to work, drinking the horrible scalding hot coffee.

ESPRIT DE CORPS — A partnership for the ages.

YOU — That sounds great! Can we actually be partners? Can I ask the captain to make us partners immediately?

ESPRIT DE CORPS [Formidable: Success] — Satellite-Officer Jean Vicquemare passes a lighter back and forth between his fingers. After the initial failure with his cigarette and Officer Minot’s reprimand, he doesn’t try to smoke there again.

“Why not go out to the fire escape?” Special Consultant Heidelstam suggests.

Officer Vicquemare scoffs. If I happen to be away when he shows up, he thinks, then who’s to say he won’t suddenly punch Mollins’ f*cking beloved painting again with no one to stop him?

INLAND EMPIRE — It’s not your fault the accursed painting had been giving you the evil eye for five days straight.

ESPRIT DE CORPS — Satellite-Officer Jean Vicquemare, Lieutenant Vicquemare when you’d just got partnered. The name is still foreign to you. He is your brother, your partner-in-arms, but when you picture him, little comes to mind other than his seemingly permanent scowl, a blond wig with sunglasses, and an inexplicable feeling of sadness and frustration.

YOU — Yeah. yeah. Do I really have to work with Jean? I want Kim!

AUTHORITY — Don’t like him? Fire him. He’s *your* satellite.

VOLITION — Look, you can talk to the captain about that, no?


1. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Martinaise?”

2. “I can’t believe the phasmid is real.”

3. “Are you serious about that transfer?”

4. “Are you excited to meet the captain?”

5. Silently watch the scenery outside flash by. (Proceed.)

The colours blur, sharp lines crossing over each other, creating new shades. Nighttime dark blue and the lanterns’ warm yellow-orange, occasional bright neons of bar signs, and the hidden undertones of every object you pass. The world is aglow, it’s unlike anything you’ve seen in your eight days of solid memory in this world.

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Legendary: Success] — The church was close. But this is different.

THE ANTI-DARK — You lean harder against the window. Your eyes close. In a few minutes you’ll be at the station, having your mess of a leg looked at by an uncaring doctor. Yet right now, even with your eyes shut tight, Elysium is ablaze, burning in a frenzy of colour, electromagnetic waves of untamed lengths bouncing off the surfaces and around your skull. The Coupris Kineema engine purrs along. The world is beautiful, and you are part of it. Do not forget you are watched after.

SHIVERS [Impossible: Failure] — The wind whistles in the distance. Something stirs within you, around you, yet you don’t know what.

THE ANTI-DARK — Let the semblance of sleep take you.


The Radiance

YOU — What? Damn it, I don’t have any free spaces, no points either…

THE ANTI-DARK — Relax now. You can look at it later.

KIM KITSURAGI — “Detective?” The lieutenant’s voice brings you out of your slumber. Were you actually asleep? You’re not sure, but you do have to blink away the drowsiness once you open your eyes.

YOU — “Up and at ‘em, eh?” You shoot finger guns at your partner.

KIM KITSURAGI — “Indeed. Let’s get you to the lazaret… I don’t suppose you know where it is?” He exits the MC with grace.

YOU — “Absolutely zero clue.” You try to avoid the previous fiasco of exiting a carriage, stepping down extremely carefully.

SAVOIR FAIRE [Challenging: Success] — You get out without falling on your face. Congratulations!

PAIN THRESHOLD — Your leg feels better, too. You should be able to walk on your own. Just please don’t run.

YOU — You close the door and look at the building in front of you.

PRECINCT 41 — It is *big*. You’re not sure what the average size of a police station is, but the one before you looks huge, putting to shame the other buildings in its vicinity. It is not particularly tall, only three stories, but its other dimensions are impressive. More than anything, it looks imposing; humble, but imposing.

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] — As officer Vicquemare has said, it was a silk factory pre-Revolution. Hundreds of exploited workers sat in its rooms and walked its halls everyday, overworking themselves only to struggle to make ends meet due to the grotesquely low wages. Some say it was one of the first places to take to the streets with a protest in the early days of the Revolution.

YOU — Was it?

ENCYCLOPEDIA — ‘The early days’ saw dozens of establishments’ workers taking to the streets at roughly the same time, so potentially, yes. Along with many, many other places.

ESPRIT DE CORPS — In the present, this is your home.

YOU — It should feel familiar, but it doesn’t.

VOLITION — Maybe it will come back to you with time.

KIM KITSURAGI — Kim has been watching you stare at the building silently. He is used to this. Once he gathers that you’re back to reality, he speaks:

“Ready to go?”

YOU — You nod.

KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant makes his way to you, aiming to grab onto your elbow, but you stop him prematurely with a shake of the head.

YOU — “I’m good. I think I can walk normally now.”

KIM KITSURAGI — He considers your words for a moment. “Alright. Let’s see if we can find our way.” He hesitates for a moment, before lightly punching your shoulder.

YOU — What? Has Kim ever done that? That doesn’t seem like a Kim thing to me. Is it a Kim thing? Does he punch people’s shoulders now?

ENCYCLOPEDIA — Punching another person’s shoulder is often an expression of camaraderie.

EMPATHY — No, it is definitely not a Kim thing.

KIM KITSURAGI — You have been staring at him. He turns away. “I don’t know why I did that. Let’s go.”

REACTION SPEED [Trivial: Success] — Quick, punch him back!


1. Punch Kim’s shoulder.

2. Don’t punch Kim’s shoulder.

YOU — You lightly punch him back, smiling. “Punching shoulders is a sign of camaraderie, I hear.”

KIM KITSURAGI — He smiles, relieved he didn’t make a fool of himself for no reason. “Do you? We’ll need to investigate that claim.” He takes out a handkerchief and cleans his glasses. “*Now* let’s go, Harry.”


PRECINCT 41 — As soon as you and the lieutenant enter the building, you are struck by a strange sensation.

CONCEPTUALISATION — Does this feel like home? A place left behind that called out to you and begged to be found once more? A place that longed to return to you as much as you longed to return to it?

INLAND EMPIRE — No. This place is *bright* too. You don’t remember being here, but you know it’s never been this bright before.

CONCEPTUALISATION — You are right! The palette is exquisite!

PRECINCT 41 — A woman in her late twenties sits at the reception desk. She instinctively nods at you and lieutenant Kitsuragi before returning to her magazine.

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Medium: Success] — The cover is all white, strangely enough, with the exception of the burgundy red title. The cursive text reads *Le Nouveau Futur*.

ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary: Failure] — You have no idea what it is.

PRECINCT 41 — In the far left of your field of view you notice some movement: a figure emerging from a corridor. It exudes darkness and brooding-ness.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — The man approaches the two of you, Minot and Heidelstam following closely behind him.

LOGIC — Get ready for an earful.

YOU — You successfully bury your head in the sand and tune out most of the two-minute lecture from your partner about the captain still being at the station at midnight and miraculously wanting to talk to you about something right away once you’re done with your medical examination — about what exactly? No one is sure — but here are some handy things that you absolutely can’t say, and here are things you should say! Got it? Of course not, you weren’t listening.

YOU — Do any of you guys remember anything?

PERCEPTION (HEARING) — Don’t look at me, I don’t store information; I just process it in real time.

YOU — Damn.

PAIN THRESHOLD — In fact, you’ve been disassociating throughout the entire medical examination, only vaguely aware of some pain around your thigh. You have no idea what is going on around you.

NIX GOTTLIEB — The station doctor is saying something in a stern voice as he bandages you up.

YOU — I think I need sleep.

ENDURANCE — Not now, brother. Tough it out.

PRECINCT 41 LAZARET — The cabinet is small. Nix Gottlieb and five other people are packed inside. You are lying on the table, trousers down (awkward), staring at the ceiling. You are almost too big for it. Lieutenant Kitsuragi, officer Minot and Trant Heidelstam sit in the three chairs. Officer Vicquemare is leaning against the far wall.

Above you shines a bright fluorescent light. You can’t look at it directly. The floor is made up of greyish-white ceramic tiles.

PERCEPTION (TOUCH) — Unnaturally cold. You’ve had to step on it barefoot a few times.

PRECINCT 41 LAZARET — The walls are a sickly muddy green. Wow, this place really is oppressive. No fun at all. Even if you weren’t suffering from acute encephalopathy, you wouldn’t have any fond memories of it.

PAIN THRESHOLD — But you would have *painful* ones.

YOU — Is it weirdly, like, vivid and colourful like the other places?

PERCEPTION (SIGHT) — Huh? Oh, yeah. You can stop asking. That’s just how your vision is now, man.

LOGIC — Give that thought a glance if you want to learn more.

YOU — Oh, right! And— hey, when did I get a skill point?

INLAND EMPIRE — Right when you had to.



Temporary research bonus:

+1 Conceptualisation: Pretty colours

+1 Inland Empire: The pheromones

-2 Logic: Makes no sense

Research time: 10h


The world as you know it has shifted. Your perfect masterpiece, your raison d’être, the Case is complete. What do you feel? What stirs in your stomach, what air do your lungs breathe in and out? Does your heart twist at the thought of returning to places you’ve been yet don’t remember? Will you one day walk down Voyager Road, Main, Perdition, pass the Eminent Domain and see the scenes from your life before March ‘51 play out in front of your eyes, or will those 44 years become a story forever lost to you? Why does your brain perceive colour where previously there was only dark? Something is looking out for you in this difficult time, leading you, inspiring you to act. What is it? Where is the radiance coming from?


PRECINCT 41 LAZARET — You have been cleaned, rebandaged and given medication to take for the next week.

HAND-EYE COORDINATION [Easy: Failure] — Pulling up your tight disco trousers is an ordeal that takes you an embarrasing amount of time.

NIX GOTTLIEB — Nix Gottlieb rushes you away from the table: it is Kim’s turn.

YOU — You nod, tongue feeling too numb to respond properly. You and Kim switch places, him taking a seat on the medical table, you — on the small fold-up chair.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — Jean walks up and grabs your shoulder as soon as your ass touches the chair. “Oh no, Harry, you have no time to sit around. Pryce’s office, now. We are not waiting any longer.”

JUDIT MINOT — Officer Minot gives you an apologetic look but doesn’t say anything.

AUTHORITY [Medium: Success] — Who on Earth is he to tell you what to do? Put him in his place.


1. “Wait, you guys are coming with me?”

2. Look at Kim.

3. [Authority: Challenging] Put Jean in his place.

4. “Right. I feel f*cking fantastic. Never been more ready in my life!” (Proceed.)

JEAN VICQUEMARE — “Are we com– are you goddamn serious?”

RHETORIC [Medium: Success] — This shouldn't be news to you.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — He withdraws his hand from your shoulder with a jerk. “Were you even f*cking listening? The plan? Oh, for God’s sake, you’re goddamn useless. Are you on drugs? Did you find some secret stash in your hostel room?”

YOU — “What? No! I just–”

KIM KITSURAGI — “Mr. Vicquemare.” The lieutenant's voice cuts through the stale air. “With all due respect, we are all tired. Your approach is not very helpful, let alone professional.”


EMPATHY [Legendary: Success] — He doesn’t like being called out.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — The man fixes his hair, taking a step away from you. He is avoiding looking at anyone. “We are coming with you, and *I* will do the talking.”


1. “Wait, you guys are coming with me?”

2. Look at Kim.

3. [Authority: Challenging] Put Jean in his place.

4. “Right. I feel f*cking fantastic. Never been more ready in my life!” (Proceed.)

YOU — You look at your partner with pleading eyes. He *promised* to stay by your side, didn’t he?

KIM KITSURAGI — “I would like to speak to the captain myself, if possible. I can offer insight on the case, and this is also a perfect opportunity for me to bring up the topic of transferring to the 41st.” He adjusts his glasses. “This shouldn't take long, right, Mr. Gottlieb?” He looks at the doctor.

NIX GOTTLIEB — Nix Gottlieb takes the lieutenant’s head in his hands and slightly turns it to the side. “Twenty minutes.”

TRANT HEIDELSTAM — Next to you, Heidelstam coughs. “That is not the quickest.”

KIM KITSURAGI — Kim very briefly cringes.

ESPRIT DE CORPS [Formidable: Success] — Normally, he wouldn’t bother going out of his way to help an officer out with a matter he’s not involved in, but he did promise you, and he doesn’t like to go back on his word.

JEAN VICQUEMARE — The satellite-officer throws you a sharp glance. “Right, we will go ahead. Lieutenant Kitsuragi,” he turns to the lieutenant, “if we’re still in by the time you’re finished, you’re welcome to join us. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Third floor, room number 305.”

KIM KITSURAGI — The lieutenant doesn’t look at him. “Thank you.”

ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] — God, he’s so cool.

VOLITION — Why is this a you thought? He’s not even smoking this time.


1. “Wait, you guys are coming with me?”

2. Look at Kim.

3. [Authority: Challenging] Put Jean in his place.

4. “Right. I feel f*cking fantastic. Never been more ready in my life!” (Proceed.)

PRECINCT 41 LAZARET — Judit Minot and Trant Heidelstam stand up, you follow after a few seconds. Together with Jean Vicquemare, you exit the lazaret and head for the stairs.

INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: Success] — DO NOT f*ck THIS UP.

Sharp and Vivid Existence - Chapter 1 - Feron_Miles (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.